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A proud Indian; RTs are not endorsements- all my content can be copied without giving any credit .

Nov 27, 2021, 9 tweets

Here is the text of the PM’s Constitution Day speech at SC yesterday -…

Requesting volunteers to please translate at least court related aspects of this seminal speech into various other languages - Kannada, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Odiya etc.

As against INCLUSION philosophy of Constitution,governance was abt exclusion.

Last 7 yrs saw real inclusive governance-2 cr houses,8 cr gas connections,health cover to 50 cr & Garib Kalyan ration to 80 cr is all that & so are govt’s development efforts!

All the governance efforts are abt developing every corner of the country in the same manner as Delhi & Mumbai. Our efforts have shown results via National Family Health Survey report as well as improvement in various parameters like Gender equality etc

Example of Sardar Sarovar is finest ex of how propaganda against a project started by Nehru had to wait for decades for completion under then @narendramodi Govt of Guj. Even courts dithered on giving judgement. Same trend continues even today

“Colonialism died with India’s independence but colonial mindset thrives even 2day & is being furthered by means of climate agenda. Developed countries,resp for major emissions worldwide,wants to deny us development fruits citing emissions” @narendramodi

“This colonial mindset is breeding “Breaking India”
forces who are working at their behest & are creating impediments in the path to progress and we have to get rid of these roadblocks to development” PM @narendramodi

Govt & judiciary r like twins born out same Constitution.Imbibing spirit of-
ऐक्यम् बलम् समाजस्य,तत् अभावे स दुर्बलः।
तस्मात् ऐक्यम् प्रशंसन्ति,दॄढम् राष्ट्र हितैषिण -
both need to complement each other.
Judiciary has a large role in united 'Sabka Prayas'.

Doctrine of “Separation of power” means that all 3 arms of democracy have to work with the ‘Collective Resolve & Responsibility’ in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution & take the country on the path & achieve goals, that we have set out for the country & our citizens.

“The onus is on all of us to keep the system dynamic & progressive & discharge our roles with full devotion.
The spirit of “संगच्छध्वं, संवदध्वं, सं वो मनांसि जानताम् -We have common goals & common minds & together we can achieve those goals” should drive us” @narendramodi

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