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*I didn’t pay for that damn checkmark* “A Twitter rando” - Rolling Stone mag. Possible CIA operative according to OAN. Writer. Photographer. Father.

Nov 27, 2021, 10 tweets

Thanksgiving weekend. 37 degrees. Families out for cider and donuts driving by with Christmas trees on the roof.

And these Q-balls are out yelling crazy nonsense.

There is no rehabbing this level of ignorant nutbaggery.

Dude, your kids are in their 40s.

Actually, it ends when you sit the fuck down.

This is perhaps my favorite juxtaposition of this whole Moron Jubilee.

We won’t put up with government regulations!!!

Other than mandatory drivers licenses, registrations, inspections, speed limits, traffic laws, parking rules, and seatbelt requirements.

This is another favorite:

“Rights come from god not the government.”

Give that defense a try in court, Janice. Let us know how it goes.

“We prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”

Cool. Give your “dangerous freedom” approach a try by driving 100 mph in a 55 zone.

Report back.

I’m going to close with this:

Yesterday, a man with obvious significant mental health challenges walked up to me and started talking rapidly about all kinds of irrational things.

I was concerned *for him*.

These people though… they’re dangerous. Lucid lunatics.

People with mental illnesses are less likely than the general population to be violent. These Q people are not mentally ill.

They are brainwashed as a result of a predicate ignorance. They are dumb, gullible, committed and convinced.

They are our most grave domestic threat.

Seriously, there is a parallel between these Q lunatics and Trump himself.

We took the threat of a President Trump too lightly.

We are taking the threat of a Q-believer pipeline too lightly.

These people are irreparably weaponized into lunacy. There is no means to fix it.

It is just a matter of time until the type of unhinged shitbag who’d spend his Thanksgiving weekend yelling at passing cars instead blows up a building.

I hope the FBI is surveilling the fuck out of these assholes.

They are dangerous.

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