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Write on business with @workweekinc. Co-host @niapodcast. Building an AI research app:

Nov 28, 2021, 14 tweets

The internet ripped Apple for its $19 polishing cloth. But, it's sold out with a months-long backlog.

Based on Apple's pricing psychology, the $19 price tag *actually* makes sense.

Here’s a breakdown 🧵

1/ Apple’s pricing strategy is all about the number “9”.

In fact, the starting price for all Apple products end in the number "9". All of them.

This is def not a coincidence.

2/ One of the most well-established phenomenons in pricing psychology is the "Odd Pricing Effect".

Prices ending in "9" -- from cheap to expensive products -- signal a deal and drive more consumer demand as compared to a whole round number.

3/ "Odd Pricing" relates to another psychological effect called "Left-Digit Bias".

People read numbers from left-to-right and are anchored to the first digit.

Result: when evaluating prices, we overweight the first digit and changes to that number drive the perception of value.

4/ In one famous MIT and U of Chicago study, researchers priced a women's item of clothing at $34, $39 and $44.

The $39-price level ("9") sold the most, even as it was more expensive than $34.

The result demonstrates the power of the "Odd Pricing" / "Left Digit" effects.

5/ Back to Apple

We know the cloth's price will end in "9". But, Apple also has to signal a premium position in the market.

It does so with high prices.

Few have the company's pricing power (to wit: Apple captures 60% of smartphone profits while selling only ~15% of handsets).

6/ So, what are Apple's options to price the cloth?

$9? $19? $29?

The first option ($9) is too low. You can buy polishing cloths on Amazon for under $10 and Apple needs to stay "premium".

$29 (or above) is moving into a different tier.

That leaves $19.

7/ As it turns out, Apple prices a lot of its commodity accessories at $19.

✔️ USB-C charging cables
✔️ Earphones with cord
✔️ Power adapters

Clearly, $19 is the sweet spot for Apple's customer base. (And when you're buying 4-figure electronics, doesn't really move the needle)

8/ Based on Apple's pricing and brand positioning strategy, the $19 price tag for the polishing cloth is actually a logical choice.

Having said that, the jokes are hilarious:

9/ If you enjoyed that, follow @TrungTPhan for other business threads 1-2x a week.

Here's another one you might like:

10/ I also do a weekly round-up of hilarious memes and tweets. Here are a bunch for the $19 cloth:…

11/ Sources

Odd Price (Buynomics):….

Entrepreneur on MIT/UofChi study:


Main article here from WSJ (great read):…

12/ Don't forget one of Apple's OG "Odd Price" power move: iTunes $0.99 songs.

Steve Jobs even used the classic "one cup of coffee a day" comparison in pitching the iTune's value:

13/ Apple Car def gonna be priced at $999,999

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