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Nov 29, 2021, 22 tweets

“Trump Commerce Dept. official Adam Hageman,” a former employee of @charliekirk11’s @TPUSA, which has partnered w/ #Pizzagater Jack Posobiec, has been credibly “accused of ‘sharing a child pornography video & commenting…on sexually abusing children.’” 1/…

Article by @TheDailyEdge 2/

Adam Hageman didn’t act as a lone wolf either. It’s an alleged child pornography ring involving firmer GOP staffer/ RNC aide Ruben Verastigui. 3/…

Charlie Kirk of @TPUSA (which now partners w/ Jack Posobiec) posing with his former employee, Adam Hageman, who has been charged with participating in a 17-person child pornography ring with at least one other Republican operative. @mrspanstreppon 4/

5/ Thread. @mrspanstreppon

6/ The facts of Hageman’s case are horrific. He allegedly told other members of the child pornography chat group that he fantasized about raping his own brother but wished the brother was 8-13. He indicated his preference for children aged 12-16.

7/ Accused pedophile Adam Hageman’s LinkedIn said that he previously worked as an events administrator for @charliekirk11’s @TPUSA. This is horrifying. TPUSA organizes events with kids (kindergarten through college age).…

8/ Here is @RepCawthorn with accused pedophile & former @TPUSA staffer Adam Hageman. Creepy.

9/ Dear God. Here is @SebGorka with accused pedophile & former @TPUSA staffer Adam Hageman. Weird how these Republicans haven’t made any formal statements about this scandal.

10/ “Notorious Pizzagater Jack Posobiec Leaves OAN for Conservative Youth Group Turning Point USA”…

11/ @TPUSA says its “high school chapters are strong.” I’ve seen no indication that Hageman used his job at TPUSA to pursue his alleged interest in child pornography (or his alleged desire to “rape” a 12-16 year old), but this shld be investigated. Why doesn’t Posobiec care?

12/ Hageman also said he’d “been with” a 15 year old. Did he meet this child through his work with TPUSA, which targets high school students for right wing indoctrination?! @CharlieKirk11 must answer questions. This is very serious.…

13/ This appears to be accused pedophile Adam Hageman with Sebastian Gorka at a huge TPUSA student event in West Palm Beach Florida in 2018.

14/ Around this time (Jan. 2018), it appears that accused pedophile Adam Hageman was recruiting young people for @TPUSA in Illinois. Do these kids’ parents know?! (Based on the indictment, Hageman’s preference appears to be underage boys. I cropped top of photo on purpose.)

16/ Seeing as Posobiec & his pals from #MAGA3x are fond of “memetic warfare,” they will appreciate this.


18/ I’m sure it’s fine. Hageman was only an events coordinator. 😳

19/ Detailed & upsetting article about Republican pedophile Ruben Verastigui who was apparently in the same alleged 18-person child porn ring as former @TPUSA employee Adam Hageman (also a Republican).…

20/ Proceed with caution. This is about Ruben Verastigui.


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