NK Leb #UpdateTheVaccines 💉 Profile picture
#UpdateTheVaccines Live attenuated vaccines $TSLA = Zero #CYAZ #BuranSprachbund

Nov 29, 2021, 9 tweets

Good news for everyone this morning - COVID is over.

You literally never have to think about COVID ever again.

More good news: Scientists on Twitter are saying that the vaccines are 99.9% effective and will remain effective for life.

If you are vaccinated and everyone around you will not spread any COVID to anyone. Period.

Wow, lots of angry comments from illiterates, dyslexics and morons who are purposely misinterpreting my tweet.

I meant that if you take your boosters every 6-9 months, you don't have to worry about COVID the way you worried about it in 2020. That is all I said.

I didn't say that the vaccines are are 99.9% effective for life. Stop twisting my words. I said that the vaccines will continue to work - we just have to keep taking them.
DUH! They can't work in the fridge!
If we take them every 6-9 months, we're protected for life.

More misinterpretation of my words. Please re-read my thread carefully.

I did NOT say you cannot transmit the virus.

I said that the disease will be so mild FOR THE VACCINATED, that you will not transmit SEVERE acute respiratory syndrome but a common cold to the vaccinated.

I'm blocking anyone who is sending me abuse. My DMs are filled with attacks by people who did not read my whole thread.
They are writing to my employer @sputnikvaccine asking them if a cat ever worked there.

Some people are just filled with hate and just detest good news.

Where did I say "you never have to think about COVID again?" I said that the vaccinated, frequently boosting person does not have to worry about this.
People like me & others working on vaccines are on it. This is not for you to worry about. It is our work. Let us handle it! 😊

I'm locking this thread because there's just too much negativity.

I just wanted to share the good news with all my followers on Twitter and supporters on Patreon.

Check out my merch, Buy Me a Coffee, follow my Substack for more good news.

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