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💚+❤️🇺🇳 I like ducks, they're fowl but not through choice. Thought Lord. Lives in a swamp. Painted by AI. Born 321 ppm CO₂.

Nov 29, 2021, 9 tweets

“We are a leading cloud computing provider" ... AWS? Alibaba? No? Ok, MSFT ... no? Must be Google but that's pushing it a bit ... no? Don't tell me Oracle or IBM are smoking crack and claiming to be No.1 again? No?

I'm lost ... wait ... UKCloud? Who?…

Is this going to turn out to be one of those "enterprise class" hosted VMware or OpenStack environments that are trying to be cloud? They are great places to send your legacy to die in whilst you rebuild in AWS Lambda but you've got to get out before it hits the fan.

I don't get slamming of Cab Office. This is a small time player making a loss in a brutal infrastructure game with massive giants. I'm not sure we should have any Gov systems (including legacy) in such volatile environments in 2021 unless we're very close to switching them off.

X : Digital sovereignty?
Me : Don't talk daft -… ... any map would tell you that this battle was over long ago. Choose your hyperscaler.

X : Do you have a map of cloud?
Me : Roughly where we are ...

X : That's 2020!
Me : Ok. Here's 2025 ...

Me : 2030 ...

Me : and 2035 for you. Happy now?

X : I don't agree.
Me : Fine. Maps are about putting assumptions down and challenging. You'll know soon enough. Look at the map above (added here). By 2025, an equal amount will view serverless as the future, it'll be considered the new norm. That'll be all the signal you need.

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