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Pre-Order: "The Spirit of Justice" | NYTimes bestselling author | PhD in History | HBCU professor @scky_1879

Nov 29, 2021, 5 tweets

The “scandal of the evangelical mind” continues by denigrating the work of historians and sociologists for not being sufficiently “biblical.” We are called “false teachers.” But here’s a thread of my so-called false teachings. Decide for yourself.

From the intro to the “Color of Compromise” I explain why this tragic history of racism must be revealed—not to harm but to heal.…

What must the church do in light of its racist past? Discern between a complicit Christianity that compromises with racism and a courageous. Christianity that confronts it.

Here’s the concept that lots of right-wing religious and political folks disagree with and use to dismiss extensive research and evidence from primary sources. The idea that historic racism has left a legacy of inequality in the present day and is embedded in laws and policies.

From the closing paragraph of “The Color of Compromise”—a book that some contend contains “false teaching” and pastors “ought to warn their congregations about”…I guess if those congregations desire complicity over courage, then these words are indeed dangerous.

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