ZachXBT Profile picture
Scam survivor turned 2D investigator

Nov 30, 2021, 7 tweets

Another influencer you can avoid is @bullrun_gravano who is trying to SWindle you out of all your money with undisclosed shills

What to look out for:

TGE is always 15-20% + 3-6 months of vesting + 20-30% of token supply goes to VCs + almost nothing for the public

= Dump fest

“But ZachXBT he just shilled an IDO that hasn’t dumped yet”

>visit tokenomics for unlock schedule

>typically after a few weeks is when the magic happens depending on the schedule (P2E one’s most common atm)

>your fav IDO influencer is not really bullish

>shills pay bills


Ya bc there’s so many of you clowns.

For everyone saying only focus on big names, let’s say this guy made 8 figs

That’s a lot of people to trick

lEtS aLl WiN

Uh who’s going to tell him?…


Here’s his wallet sers

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