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Jews organizing toward Palestinian liberation and Judaism beyond Zionism

Nov 30, 2021, 8 tweets

November marks four years since the launch of our Deadly Exchange campaign! Four years of protesting and preventing top-ranking US police, ICE, and FBI officials from training with Israeli forces. Four years of painstaking research. Four years of actions. And four years of wins!

From legislative victories in Durham and New Orleans, to pressure campaigns in New England, to a recent campus win at Tufts, the Deadly Exchange campaign has grown through powerful coalitions and our belief that safety comes from investing in communities — not militarized police.

In 2018, Durham, NC became the first city in the United States to ban police exchanges with the Israeli military. This was followed up by wins in Vermont and Northampton, MA where local coalitions and JVP members used public pressure to successfully demand cancelled participation

As our actions in front of the ADL HQ get bigger, the ADL have worked to hide the program from view. What used to be a featured ADL program is now rebranded and removed from their website.

Across the country, our actions have grown in size, number, and power.We are modeling a Jewish community built outside reliance on the police state. We use our bodies, our voices, and our vision of a better world to stand in opposition to racist policing.

Four years on, this work is more urgent than ever. The demands of the campaign have been embedded in broader campaigns to defund and demilitarize the police, from the 8 to Abolition platform to the Poor People’s Campaign.

It’s never been clearer how deadly these exchanges really are, and how the sharing of technologies and tactics of repression impact us all. We are in a moment where the interconnectedness of the brutality of the US police and of Israel’s apartheid regime is being laid bare.

This is a moment to make change. We are growing, we are powerful and we will continue to build until we win.

Read our full statement here:…

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