Jewish Voice for Peace Profile picture
Jews organizing toward Palestinian liberation and Judaism beyond Zionism
War is Spin Profile picture ezra Profile picture Benjamin Inbaraj .M Profile picture Jean-Marc /Othman Profile picture 5 subscribed
Jul 23 9 tweets 4 min read
We are here in the building where for the past nine and a half months members of Congress have decided again and again to send the bombs used to commit genocide. Image
Jul 23 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: 400 American Jews mark Netanyahu's arrival by refusing to leave Congress until our government listens to the will of the people and STOPS ARMING ISRAEL! Image Since October, Congress has sent more than $14 billion to the Israeli military — on top of the $3.8 billion sent each year — and Biden has approved over 100 individual weapons transfers since October to the Israeli military.
Jul 17 4 tweets 2 min read
10 years ago today Eric Garner was murdered by NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo, who held Garner in a chokehold until he took his last breath.

Eric Garner’s last words, caught on camera by bystanders, were “I can’t breathe.” His words spread like wildfire across the country, as thousands took to the streets demanding justice for Garner’s death and the end of police brutality.

Six years later, those words were spoken again by George Floyd as he was unjustly killed by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.Image Ten years later, we stand united with our partners in Atlanta tirelessly fighting to keep Cop City out of their forest and away from their community. As we take to the streets for our Palestinian friends and comrades, we recognize that militarized police brutality should come as no surprise: The US government’s investment in colonialism, militarism, and occupation abroad always circles back to US streets.
Jul 14 5 tweets 2 min read
The Anti-Defamation League has spied on progressive activists for decades—and they’re still at it. Last week, the @guardian revealed how, during the height of the Movement for Black Lives protests in 2020, the so-called “civil rights organization” spied on Black activist Tatjana Rebelle. 🧵Image Tatjana is a powerful and visionary leader, and should be lauded for their critical work engaging youth in racial and climate justice organizing. Instead, the ADL surveilled and smeared them. According to a leaked internal memo, the ADL regularly spies on leftwing activists and “tracks, profiles and sends threat assessments of individuals.”

Rebelle is not the first racial justice leader the ADL surveilled and smeared. Following the violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville in 2017, activists documented how the ADL advised police to plant undercover agents to get surveillance footage against anti-racist protesters.
Jul 8 8 tweets 2 min read
In his piece for New Left Review / Sidecar, Israeli historian Ilan Pappé poses and interrogates the indicators that signal a nation's collapse. His thesis begs the question:

“More than 120 years since its inception, could the Zionist project in Palestine – the idea of imposing a Jewish state on an Arab, Muslim and Middle Eastern country – be facing the prospect of collapse?”Image Image
Jul 4 10 tweets 2 min read
This July 4th, we contemplate parallels between the colonization of Turtle Island (“North America”) and Palestine.

Supporting Palestinians’ right to return and right to self-determination in their homeland goes hand in hand with supporting Indigenous people’s demand for #LandBack 🧵Image Genocide. Land theft. Ethnic cleansing. Environmental destruction. Forced displacement of people from their homes, and sequestration into isolated areas with (artificially) scarce resources. Criminalization and surveillance.
Jul 4 7 tweets 1 min read
The Israeli government has committed its largest act of land theft from Palestinians since 1993. Israeli authorities just legalized the Israeli government’s theft of nearly 5 square miles in the occupied West Bank.

While this act of ethnic cleansing is appalling in its egregious nature and legality, it isn’t new. And its devastating implications were immediately inflicted on Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank.Image A few hours ago and under the Israeli military’s protection, more than 100 violent armed settlers lit fires targeting Palestinians living in Khallet al-Dabaa, Masafer Yatta while preventing fire trucks from assisting, and shot live ammunition at civilians.
Jul 3 7 tweets 2 min read
“Making Jewish people the face of the US-Israel war machine is dangerous. The far right is rising all around the world, and with it, a real and violent threat against Jewish people, but rather than talking about or working together to defeat fascism and injustice everywhere, western states are mis-defining antisemitism to justify ongoing genocide.” — Stefanie Fox JVP’s Executive Director, Stefanie Fox, spoke to the United Nations this week where she conveyed the urgent need to withstand the U.S. campaign of repression aimed at silencing, criminalizing, and crushing the movement for Palestinian freedom.
May 29 8 tweets 2 min read
Today, @Meta—parent company of Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp—is hosting its Annual General Meeting (AGM), and we must ensure that Meta shareholders hear us loud and clear: we cannot be silent while they systematically censor Palestinians and those standing up for Palestinian rights on social media as the Israeli government wages genocide and occupation. 🧵Image Palestinians are facing the daily violence of genocide, theft of their homes and land, military occupation, and a brutal apartheid system of racial segregation — and a mainstream media that is hostile, biased, and dishonest about what they are enduring.
May 27 7 tweets 2 min read

The Israeli military has just carried out a massacre in Rafah. They bombed displaced families huddled in tents, killing over 35 people with more trapped in the flaming debris. The death toll is still rising.

We will never forget the images emerging from Rafah tonight. Human beings, including babies, were burned alive and torn apart. This genocide must end, it must end now. In nearly eight months, half of the 2.3 million people in Gaza have been forcibly displaced to Rafah as the Israeli military carried out indiscriminate bombardments across the Gaza Strip.
May 23 11 tweets 2 min read
It might come as a surprise that Neo-Nazis and the far right, who have a long record of stoking antisemitism, are joining anti-Palestinian demonstrations, but for those familiar with the long-standing alliance between Zionists and antisemites, this is disturbingly predictable. 🧵 Image Remember, Zionism is the ideology that the Israeli government rests upon. It claims Jewish safety requires a Jewish-only nation-state. Zionists use the strategy of violent ethnic cleansing to ensure their goal of “maximum land, minimum Palestinians.”
May 20 10 tweets 2 min read
The ADL peacocks as an organization whose purpose is to keep Jews safe. Instead, they use their political power, along with Zionist rhetoric, as a forceful tool against any organization or person that does not support the state of Israel. 🧵 Image Do not let them fool you, the ADL’s main priority isn’t anyone’s safety, it’s defending the apartheid state of Israel at any cost.
May 16 8 tweets 1 min read
As Palestinians across the world prepared to commemorate 76 years of the ongoing Nakba this week, news broke that the Biden administration approved another $1 billion in weapons to the Israeli military. 🧵 Previously, President Biden claimed that the Israeli government’s promise of a genocidal ground invasion in Rafah would be a “red line.”
May 14 13 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday, the Israeli government ended its yearly cycle of state holidays that sequentially commemorates the Holocaust, Israeli militarism, and the creation of the state of Israel.

The sequencing of these holidays was intentionally designed to conclude and obscure May 15, the day Palestinians mark the ongoing Nakba. 🧵 Much of this year’s commemorations have been especially depraved, as they celebrate the now genocidal violence required to maintain the Israeli government’s apartheid regime.
May 10 4 tweets 2 min read
All Eyes on Rafah.

Israeli tanks are opening fire on Palestinian in Rafah, and the Israeli military has sealed off all crossings into Gaza. Palestinians are completely cut off from aid or fuel. Over 600,000 children in Rafah are at risk of starvation. Drinking water could run out in Rafah in days. 🧵Image Israeli military tanks have surrounded the eastern part of Rafah and are already firing in neighborhoods where Palestinians are sheltering. The road between the eastern and western sections of Rafah is blocked.
May 9 9 tweets 2 min read
Following an Israeli court ruling that defended the ethnic cleansing of the village, Israeli police and military-grade bulldozers destroyed 47 homes belonging to the same family. 🧵 Image Palestinian residents of the region, many of them citizens of Israel, have been defending it from the Israeli military’s attacks since the 1990s.
May 6 8 tweets 1 min read
Early this morning, while the Israeli military indiscriminately bombed Khan Younis, the Israeli government dropped “evacuation” orders from airplanes pledging imminent use of extreme force against Palestinian families in eastern Rafah. 🧵 Image The Israeli military demanded that eastern Rafah be “evacuated.” This is no evacuation — this is forced displacement and ethnic cleansing.
May 6 10 tweets 2 min read
Yom HaShoah, Holocaust remembrance Day, marks the Holocaust and honors the 17 million people murdered during Nazi Germany’s genocide, including 6 million Jews.

We know our remembrance is hollow if we cannot apply the lessons of our past to the present day. 🧵 Image This year, this day of remembrance falls on the day the Israeli military ordered the over 100,000 Palestinians sheltering in east Rafah to flee, but with nowhere to go. The decision to assault Rafah on this day is grotesque.
May 4 5 tweets 2 min read
Another despicable death. Another brilliant light taken away. Dr. Adnan Bursh, the head of orthopedic surgery at al-Shifa hospital in Gaza was kidnaped four months ago by the Israeli military. Dr. Bursh was detained at Ofer prison, and has now been reported dead while imprisoned. Killed at the hands of the Israeli military who tortured him to death while in custody.Image The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced that Bursh's death brings the total number of medical sector workers killed by the Israeli military since October 7 to 496. The Ministry added that the Israeli military wounded 1,500 others and arrested 309 Palestinian medical workers.
May 1 12 tweets 2 min read
Jewish Voice for Peace condemns NYPD assaults on students at Columbia and CCNY 🧵 Image JVP condemns the NYPD’s arrests and assaults of over 50 Columbia and Barnard students peacefully occupying Hind’s Hall (formerly Hamilton Hall, renamed by students in honor of a 6-year-old Palestinian girl killed by the Israeli military), as well as dozens of protesting students at the City College of New York.
Apr 22 11 tweets 2 min read
Palestinians uncovered a second mass grave in Gaza with over 300 bodies, the majority Palestinian children and the elderly. The Israeli military killed and discarded them during its assault on the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis.

This is a pattern. This is what a well-funded genocide looks like. 🧵Image The Israeli military is able to systematize its ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza because of US funds.