Crab Man Profile picture
used to work at @TPostMillennial NEWs and politics. FIND ME A JOB. Also, go to church on Sunday.

Nov 30, 2021, 6 tweets

Someone got "GamerGate" wrong again.
-- John "Totalbiscuit" Bain hated Milo yet still managed to foster an awareness campaign about ethics in games journalism via GamerGate.
-- "Alt-right" and "far-right" are not interchangeable terms, the former is specific to Richard Spencer.

Jennifer Cohn's description of GamerGate doesn't include later confessions from "victims" that admitted to antagonizing…

> uses Jack Posobiec as a "Gamergate-like" example

Jack wasn't even around for Gamergate

This crude child's drawing doesn't include the Democrat establishment or Big Tech's political stakes

vs. grassroots anonymous culture and middle America

The FBI report about GamerGate still comes up empty on finding any sort of "gamer jihad" levels of coordination…

People who talk about GamerGate always leave out @AdamBaldwin because there's no convenient way to explain his part in all of that without actually talking about the issues at hand that GG were complaining about.

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