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Scam survivor turned 2D investigator

Dec 1, 2021, 14 tweets

Congrats on the world record for most VCs in a round (84)

“We add value”

The project is Solchicks btw and it is oddly reminiscent of PMON…

Here’s the pitch deck for laughs…

I think Moonwhale backed too many scams

Top signal?

I can’t do math apparently. Left out one of the screenshots of VCs so the real number is 110!!!

It all makes sense now

3rd cash grab is the charm?

Kek also from the job listing.

Seems it was removed but Solchicks counted a Cameo video they paid IceCube for as a “partnership”

Lmao someone even went all out

Here’s some of their “marketing” tactics

I guess copyrights don’t apply to Solchicks


Here’s their internal docs

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