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Dec 1, 2021, 14 tweets

Did a list of projects on Optimism recently so doing same for Arbitrum now and will continue adding to the thread when I see new projects

@PremiaFinance just launched a really nice option trading platform

250% projected APR for LP'ing $ETH into the option pools + 30% $PREMIA 🔥

also loving @GMX_IO a perpetual exchange that allows you to trade $BTC, $ETH, $UNI and $LINK with up to 30x leverage


They currently do around $4m in monthly revenue, 100% of which goes to $GMX and $GLP (the liquidity token) stakers 👀

@Treasure_NFT is quickly becoming the de-facto NFT marketplace + metaverse on @arbitrum

they are building a whole game around @SmolBrainsNFT and other incubated NFT collections

community seems super vibrant, apparently it's catching the attention of some big VC's as well

@MIM_Spell is nice if you want to borrow some stables against your $ETH

you can mint $MIM (a stablecoin like $DAI) directly on arbitrum for just 0.5% interest and then either sell it on @CurveFinance or @SushiSwap for any other asset or provide liquidity with it on Curve

You can stake your $MIM - 2POOL LP tokens on @AdamantVault to farm the rewards for you and increase your $MIM holdings for a nice apy of 14%

To bridge in and out of @arbitrum you can use @HopProtocol

You can fast exit back to Ethereum ( higher fee bc of gas)

Or stay on L2 and send to other networks like @optimismPBC and @0xPolygon

You can also provide liquidity on the Hop AMM's

3-4% APR on $ETH, $DAI e.g

There's many more projects but these are the ones I personally use

@DefiLlama keeps a nice list of projects on @arbitrum

as for projects launching soon I am rly curious about @PolynomialFi (on testnet rn) which is going to aggregate @opyn_ @UMAprotocol & @PremiaFinance = deeper DeFi option liquidity

+ offer structured products on top a la @ribbonfinance which give users simple yield oppt.

also soon to launch is @VisorFinance, both on arbitrum and optimism

this will make it easier for projects to run liquidity mining programs on top of Uni v3 which is already available on both L2's

as well as @cozyfinance which provides select yield strategies that users can invest in and automatically get insurance on top

feel like this product is perfect for L2 users and can't wait to see which strategies they'll start with

Pods (option protocol) is also coming to Arbitrum I just learned 👀

Update: Pods is now live

there is a really dope looking project called @LemmaFinance which makes it easy for users to earn yield using a strategy called "basis trading"

this basically earns yield by going short on derivatives exchanges and profit from the usually pretty high funding rate

and then hedging the short elsewhere to be market neutral

right now it's in beta and you need to sign-up to the waitlist to participate but i cant wait to use it personally 😍

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