Lauren Do Profile picture
One of those people and blogger of super wonky Alameda political issues. If I'm live tweeting #alamtg excuse the typos, my phone hates me.

Dec 1, 2021, 7 tweets

Just so we're clear this is the "green space next to Bayport" that @tonydaysog wants to use for residential zoning rather than have any East End neighborhood upzone. The parcel fronts on one of the few 35 mph roads in Alameda. #alamtg

@tonydaysog This is Neptune Park, also a @tonydaysog suggestion to avoid burdening the East End. It's the green space used by senior citizens living at Independence Plaza and also sits right next to Alameda's sole overpass which cars shoot out of the tube at speed around 45 mph. #alamtg

This is the Main Street ferry which is still being actively used providing short hop service to Oakland & also is the terminal for Giants and Warriors games. I guess @tonydaysog would rather people drive through the tube to ensure that Bay Farm neighborhoods are "saved" #alamtg

I mean, if Neptune Park is an option because it's not used that much, how many people use Veterans Park on Bay Farm? It's about the same shape and size. #alamtg

Look at this green space on Bay Farm, it's much wider than the Main Street Linear Park, shouldn't this be an option @tonydaysog? #alamtg

Yet another green space on Bay Farm, such a wealth of space here but @tonydaysog only wants to steal precious open space from the West End. This parcel should make Trish Spencer happy because it's Harbor Bay Business Park adjacent as well #alamtg

But @tonydaysog is totes going to start the ballot initiative to rezone the Main Street Linear Park and Neptune Park. #alamtg

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