Lauren Do Profile picture
One of those people and blogger of super wonky Alameda political issues. If I'm live tweeting #alamtg excuse the typos, my phone hates me.
Dec 1, 2021 7 tweets 6 min read
Just so we're clear this is the "green space next to Bayport" that @tonydaysog wants to use for residential zoning rather than have any East End neighborhood upzone. The parcel fronts on one of the few 35 mph roads in Alameda. #alamtg @tonydaysog This is Neptune Park, also a @tonydaysog suggestion to avoid burdening the East End. It's the green space used by senior citizens living at Independence Plaza and also sits right next to Alameda's sole overpass which cars shoot out of the tube at speed around 45 mph. #alamtg
Dec 1, 2021 80 tweets 31 min read
The last word should be Alameda Point but other wise a good transcript of city staff’s analysis of why all units can’t be placed at AP #alamtg Even though some members of the public are using a “no” vote on this housing element item showing they literally have no clue about this process, the Housing Element must be adopted and must be certified by the state. #alamtg