ZachXBT Profile picture
Scam survivor turned 2D investigator

Dec 2, 2021, 13 tweets

1/ So I went and reviewed some of the internal documents for Solchicks

Here are some of the funniest things I found

(Yes the project is that bad)

2/ Here they admit to “buying-fake-twitter-followers” and you also can see other promos they’ve paid for

3/ Taking money from a VC they “blacklisted”

4/ Using bots to flood Discord servers and DM/spam people

5/ More fake marketing on Reddit

6/ Buying undisclosed shills from random botted accounts.

Luciano deleted his but I went to the archive website to grab it kek (imagine selling yourself for 1.5 bnb)

Doesn’t seem they ended up using all of them


8/ The Ice Cube “partnership” that was really just a paid Cameo

9/ Now Telegram Botting

10/ If you haven’t figured out already from all the fake engagement yes this project is a candidate for the most overvalued garbage we’ve seen this bull run

11/ You thought the Fiver memes were just a joke?


100+ “VCs”

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