Marilia Coutinho, Ph.D., the Baffled Immigrant 🇵 Profile picture
Independent scholar, strength coach, ☭☭☭, #sociology #LatinAmericanStudies 🍉

Dec 2, 2021, 7 tweets

1. Today I got my Hohner Marine Band and my Suzuki pro master.

Yes, they sound completely different from one another. Yes, they sound great, they are easy to hold and to play.
This is it for now.

2. Studying and playing the harmonica is probably the one single meaningful activity that I am able to engage with without pain or hesitation.

3. Because lifting is limited by the spinal injury for now, or done with pain, and writing has hit one of those hesitation points in which the writer struggles with precision, with necessity, with sufficiency, and with style.

4. It's a nice little set that I will have forever to learn, enjoy and be happy with, thanks to my music teacher Túlio Augusto.

5. I'm posting glimpses of my life as another #PandemicOrphan, remembering the many things that Dad enjoyed and shared with me. After 48 years, I started studying music again after receiving his chromatic harmonica.

6. I gave him this harmonica after the original one he had was stolen during a home break-in. He kept it in the second drawer of his nightstand. Only I knew that, so my daughter fetched it and sent it to me.

7. This is a new journey and a new life narrative. Everything changed and nothing will return to some absurd notion of normalcy. Thank all the fictional gods.

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