Seth Mandel Profile picture
Dad to the six Irishest Jewish kids on earth. Senior Editor @Commentary Magazine. @bethanyshondark is my better half.

Dec 2, 2021, 12 tweets

How was your Wednesday evening

When Rae insists you come up on stage because you're 12 years old and know every word

When I was a kid Avraham Fried pulled me up on stage and it was exactly like this kid with Ghostface

I'll go through the videos tomorrow, it's late. But God bless live music again.

Also Cap and I have the same necklace

Raekwon has his own wine line now so here is Cap pouring for the soldiers in the front


Two ODB tributes tonight, and I really appreciate that since he is, of course, the office band leader:

Raekwon ended the show by telling us all to "take care of your family, take care of the elderly, take care of the kids," which was extremely wholesome content.

Also thank you to the security guard who wished me a happy Chanukah at the Wu Tang show, this country really is a magical place.

And in case anyone thinks through two are incongruous here's Ghostface's contribution to an album called Hot Tracks For Hanukkah…

Anyway have a great Thursday…

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