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Write on business with @workweekinc. Co-host @niapodcast. Building an AI research app:

Dec 2, 2021, 21 tweets

Found a glorious collection of maps from Reddit. Some could def change how you look at the world.

Here are 12 of them 🧵

Each section of this map contains 10% of the world's population.

"Light blue is a map as we know it and dark blue is the actual size of each country"

The true size of Africa: it's bigger than USA, China, India and Europe...all combined.

If you're born into a country that is:

🔵 RULE OF LAND: You are automatically offered citizenship regardless of parent's nationalities.
🔴 RULE OF BLOOD: Your citizenship depends on citizenship of parents.

The longest possible train ride in the world
(travel time = 11,000 miles, 275 hours)

"I need you to book me a train from Portugal to Vietnam, but make sure it goes **around** Mongolia."

Wasn't prepared for this one: 50% of Canada lives under the red line.

More people live inside the circle than outside of it.

"The earth being centered on Great Britain is arbitrary, so here's a map centered on New Zealand"

Pangea with modern-day borders.

Japan superimposed next to the East Coast US.

"Cha" and "te" are both Chinese words for tea. If your geography came into contact with tea by:

◻️ The Silk road, its called "cha"
◻️ by shipping routes (starting with Dutch traders), its called "tea"

Each of these **green** US census blocks has NO ONE living in them:

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Source: this glorious subreddit (ignore the name, it *is* safe for work)

Fast food penetration in Europe (by chain)

The largest volcano in our solar system is on Mars (Olympus Mons). Here it is in comparison to the state of Arizona.

Another interesting one: The countries mentioned or referred to in The Bible.

This map is laughs: "What rock bands mean they say they're going on a 'World Tour'"

This map def belongs in the thread:

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