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used to work at @TPostMillennial NEWs and politics. FIND ME A JOB. Also, go to church on Sunday.

Dec 2, 2021, 52 tweets

COOL something to read

Let's explore the misconduct of the CIA…

SUMMARY: BuzzFeed FOIA request finally bears fruit: 3000-plus pages of document materials related to CIA misconduct including sexual abuse of kids + probably other things

list of potential CIA crime goodies (the BuzzFeed article says CIA agents avoid prosecution b/c it might reveal sensitive intel)

only ten pages in and they're deep into talking about how former CIA employees have restrictions placed on them career-wise after leaving the agency

^^ (apparently a CIA agent did something like that)

CIA agents lead a pretty interesting life

Yeah a bunch of neat one-off stories hidden away in here.

Here's a report about a contractor stealing a CIA-issued pistol

Here's another one-off: CIA agent goes overseas and accrues nearly ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS from what seems to be the agent watching Netflix on a CIA-issued device, and the agent didn't understanding roaming fees.

(**from what I can tell, redactions aside)

- In January 2013 an NCS agent got accused of running someone over while on assignment

Unclear what happened or if the agent even did it? DOJ declined to prosecute.

In May 2013 the CIA's OIG was flagged over a child porn situation involving an "agency staff officer"...

but it fell out of the OIG's investigative jurisdiction

2012: a contract employee used the CIA's internet to watch an "estimated 274 minutes" of (adult) porn and go on dating websites

(August 2012) Case title: "Questionable Circumstances in Adoption"

i don't know what happened with this one


This CIA report is about how agents figured out how to *steal from the facility's vending machines.*

Some guy figured out how to unhook a cable from the vending machine, so "he obtained vending goods at no cost."

**They stole $3,314.40 worth of stuff** overall

August 2013: CIA contractor caught looking at + possessing child pornography.

Fired and arrest warrant issued

aight this next bit goes into torture techniques developed after 9/11

NEWS from like a decade ago: the USA waterboarded detainees to get intel out of them

- "The Agency then developed the Human Resource Exploitation (HRE) training program designed to train foreign liaison services on interrogation techniques."
- "In 1986, the Agency ended the HRE training program
because of allegations of human rights abuses in Latin America."

?!?!? Forget waterboarding

Apparently the CIA proposed an interrogation technique called "the mock burial"

Also the CIA uses insects and sleep deprivation for up to 11 days.... and waterboarding

geez imagine being waterboarded 83 times

"the debriefer entered the detainee’s cell and revved the drill while the detainee stood naked and hooded."

(The CIA torture stuff got a little repetitious after this point. spent the next half hour skimming through the memos and all that....)

We're at like page 600 almost. back to the "fun" CIA where they investigate hijinks like someone trying to resell government property.

August 2013:
> A psych facility patient showed up to Quantico pretending to be CIA and was turned away.
> They showed up again two days later with "pistols, rifles, night vision goggles, and body armor" to try and get inside.

November 2013. Case title: "Alleged violation of endangered species act."

November 2009: CIA agent gets away with stealing furniture from work because there was no policy saying they couldn't do so

The CIA gets mad at people who look themselves up on the agency's computers

Nearly 1000 pages into the BuzzFeed CIA files collection
-- they don't like "for profit" college degrees
-- a lot of complaints about nepotism
-- a lot of conflict of interest concerns

that's what I'm sorting through to try and find the somewhat interesting ones

>Exhaust myself reading this CIA document dump
> "OH HEY 1100 or so pages in, it talks about how the CIA and New York Police Department began working together"


🚨🚨July 2010:
> CIA agent admits to watching child porn of kids as young as 10 on a US Government issued computer "on approximately 10-20 occasions"
> "appears to have violated federal criminal law and agency regulations"
> "declined prosecution"

CIA agent
> "did not understand that it was a violation of Agency policy to access child pornography"
> but said he's real sorry

ANOTHER case. April 2010
> CIA contractor tries to solicit sex from a minor online
> OOPS it was an undercover FBI agent

AGAIN no charges filed, but the CIA guy lost his job. Admitted to having a pornography addiction and being a pedo.

> CIA in Peru to fight the war on drugs
I gotta stop for the day

"CIA involvement in Peruvian air interdictions began in 1991-1992 with the delivery of a tracker airplane and continued, in its first phase, for two years...."

In April 2001 the geniuses at the CIA shot down civilians so they shut the program down.

"Violations of the required procedures to intercept and shoot down an aircraft occurred in all 15 ABDP shootdowns in which CIA had participated, beginning in May 1995."

"CIA officers knew of and condoned most of these violations"

TV shows mocking the CIA are too tame

" DOJ declined criminal prosecution in favor of administrative action by CIA on 3 February 2005."

of course they did

> President Clinton signed off on it

good job bud

Anyway to cut to the chase: CIA shot down a bunch of planes in Peru between 1995 and 2001, because "drugs"

And they didn't follow protocols. pretty much ever.

**also the CIA fed bad information to DC, the media, and the general public afterward

Anyway. Peru is over. Back to CIA complaints about agents looking at child porn.

Case from November 2008:
"Information from Interpol confirmed the [agent] using that address purchased videos of three underage individuals engaged in sexual activity"

Also he banged prostitutes

Here's an example of the (dozens) of conflict of interest complaints filed by CIA workplace members against each other.

You can see why I skip over stuff.

Department of Justice will even look the other way in cases of embezzlement, though.

Even when the CIA agent in question confesses to it.

There's this amazing story about a CIA agent sleeping her way to the stop at work

But it's all redacted =/

NO CHARGES against this CIA agent who was a full blown pedophile.

But at least the agency kicked him out and fired him.

Here's another. CIA person accused of looking at both child porn and beastality.

Agent admitted "estimated that 99.9 percent of the time he accessed and viewed adult pornography and the remaining time child pornography."

^^ But agent SWEARS all those times were accidents.

October 2009:
> CIA agent discovered to have CREATED child porn using his agency-issued laptop
> "Eastern District of Virginia declined to prosecute"


Here's a tamer one: CIA recruiter accused of trying to get w/ a girl under the pretense of getting her a job

BuzzFeed's collection of CIA files has hundreds of pages that look like this

dozens more look like this

(and this is where war crimes and the Geneva conventions are brought up)

So the last thousand or so pages were so heavily redacted it's not even funny

But there's still a couple more hundred to go

Plenty of time for more examples of CIA agents soliciting sex

Finished reading the BuzzFeed CIA document dump. Interesting stuff there if you bother to read through to find it.

Anyway here's an abridged version of the sexual misconduct exposed…


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