David H. Montgomery Profile picture
"A French history podcaster and enormous goshdang nerd after our own hearts" — @andrewvandam. Host of @thesiecle; senior data journalist with @YouGovAmerica.

Dec 2, 2021, 7 tweets

Some minor upticks in Minnesota’s #COVID19 metrics today — 5,313 cases and 9.3% daily positivity, compared to 4,131 and 7.5% a week ago. Overall the trend the past two weeks is encouraging, so there’s no reason to be concerned over one bad day.

An uptick that sustains itself for a week or so isn’t even cause for panic — last year we saw fairly mild spikes in the metrics a week or two after Thanksgiving & Christmas, but they quickly subsided.

The Thanksgiving holiday is still making our data messy. For example, this chart of new cases by sample date shows a HUGE drop. That’s because this data has a one-week lag, so last Thursday just entered the data — and far fewer people got tested last Thursday than normal. 🤔

New #COVID19 hospital admissions are down, deaths are up. (Hospitalizations lag cases by a few days, deaths tend to lag by a few weeks.)

Minnesotans over 70 have a positivity rate of around 6%. All other age groups are around 10-11% right now.

(Our October-November surge seems to have largely bypassed seniors.)

20% of Minnesotans now have a booster. 62% are fully vaccinated, and 69.1% have at least one dose.

Looking just at adults, 26% are boosted, 75% fully vaccinated, and 81% have at least one dose.

First-dose share ranged from 23.6% among newly eligible kids 5-11, to 96.2% among seniors.

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