Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 Profile picture
Father of two girls. Traveling the world to expose gender ideology and why children cannot consent to medical transition. Donate:

Dec 3, 2021, 7 tweets

Thank you, Stuart Parker, for running for the Prince George School Board, and for telling the truth about the irreversible harm that gender ideology is leading to.

Here’s a series of videos of our press conference with CBC and CKPG today. 1/

There’s no right way to be a girl, and no right way to be a boy.

Kids, you can be anything you want to be when you grow up, and you’re great as you are.

Tell the ideologues to stuff it, and reject their lame stereotypes. 2/

Schools are hiding from parents that their own child now has a transgender identity at school, a new name, and new pronouns. 3/

Rapid onset gender dysphoria in adolescents is very new.

Medicalizing kids with puberty blockers & cross-sex hormones has no evidence to support it.

This experiment causes bone injuries, affects the brain in ways we don’t even know, and results in sterilization. 4/

Great point, @stuartlosaltos.

This ideology is especially damaging to children who will grow up to be gay or lesbian. 5/

Stuart is right.

Why can’t his competitor, Audrey McKinnon, simply have a dialogue with him about gender ideology?

We all say that we want what’s best for kids, but only one side is willing to have a conversation about it.

We should all be on the same side: the truth. 6/

More than 90% of people on the street, from all walks of life, agree that we shouldn’t be giving puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to kids.

They are outraged when they learn what is going on.

We have to stop doing what this tiny, unscientific minority demand. 7/

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