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Dec 3, 2021, 7 tweets

Bring it on @Shubham_fd - file a case. BTW u talked of reversal of cases in Jind.
I will share local view as well with video to show show u r resorting to motivated reporting to further the agenda that u r circulating for long.

Fake SCST case is a reality but so is ur reporting

There is a local journalist - Pardeep Sandhu of The Local Express and I have spoken to him on the telephone no given in his video- @Shubham_fd u can also talk to him as his extensive video of almost 70 mins is enough to show the real truth unlike urs.

So Pardeep Sandhu-I don’t care what his political views are.

Per him:
1. Cases are on- only arrests have not taken place
2. He has covered both views -

UC view (Rajesh’s Supporters)

Accuser (Gurmeet’s version)


Here is the video clip that @FDikhana showed- yes this man is from Valmiki community but what @Shubham_fd didn’t show is that these 3 men (who were part of UC version part) are not the only Valmikis- check others as well who show with call records as to how boycott was forced

Here is the audio of the conversation about ban on selling daily needs, imposed by village panchaayat to sell stuff to SC community residents - prove it wrong @Shubham_fd ! Alternatively others can call up that no on the top side

Per @Shubham_fd even this woman lied that they were stopped from buying stuff and social boycott imposed by the local panchayat

Here is the claim by @Shubham_fd that thanks to his reporting, cases were taken back in Jind.

Rohit Kalsal is the lawyer who is fighting the case. Per the local journalist who reported both side views - only arrests under 2nd FIR have been stopped - Rajesh is in Jail

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