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Dec 3, 2021, 6 tweets

If you like listening to music while scrambling up stony slopes or mowing your lawn, here are a bunch of WIRED's favorite wireless earbuds. If you buy something using our links, WIRED may earn a commission. wired.trib.al/BUPZcOG 1/6

Need the perfect earbuds for bike riding? Bose's audio sunglasses have a small speaker below each temple. The frames are comfortable, and the speakers are clear and loud enough for you to enjoy your music, even when pedaling down the street. wired.trib.al/qzfgTPQ 📸: Bose 2/6

We've recommended Jabras for years because of their small size, great sound, and comfortable fit, but the Elite 7 Active are the best. They have a new, soft silicone rubber ear tip that holds the buds securely in tiny ears. wired.trib.al/nWpKIat 📸: Best Buy 3/6

If you have trouble finding earbuds to fit your weird little ears, the Ultimate Ears Fits might be for you. After following the app, ultraviolet light custom-molds each ear tip to your ear, making them the comfiest earbuds. 📸: Ultimate Ears wired.trib.al/6c82XWa 4/6

If you have larger earholes, the Sony WF-1000XM4 are the one pair to rule them all. The sound quality is excellent, the noise-canceling is better, and they pick up your voice more clearly than ever before. 📸: Sony Electronics wired.trib.al/oINdAJx 5/6

Subscribe to WIRED for less than $1 per month and get unlimited access to our longform features, buying guides, and tech news. wired.trib.al/RzetCkJ 6/6

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