Christopher Bouzy ( Profile picture
When I was 9, I started coding on a Mattel Aquarius computer. I developed several products in my 20s & 30s, and then in 2018, I launched Bot Sentinel.

Dec 4, 2021, 7 tweets

So... she paid a lawyer to compile a dossier on me? What a perfectly psychotic thing for a random Twitter user to do.

I was really looking forward to this report, but alas, Monday came and went with no report.☹️

Oh cool! She has decided to release my dossier in 30 mins, so now we don't have to wait until tomorrow.🥳🎉

Wait... isn't it like 1:32 AM in the UK? Weird time to drop a bombshell.

She protected her tweets at precisely 9 PM.

These people really don't understand what it is to be vetted by several news outlets. If I was worried about something, I wouldn't use my real name, show my face, and go on TV.

lol... ok I am going to bed.

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