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Posts by European Heart Rhythm Association President José Luis Merino and his team. #EHRA_ESC #EHRA_Ecomm

Dec 4, 2021, 5 tweets

#EHRAtopicweek on “Esophageal injuries in #AF ablation”

I am very proud to share with you the 3rd episode of 🎙 "EHRA Cardio Talk - Keep the rhythm" The #EHRA_ESC podcast: Oesophagal injuries related to AF ablation 🎙with @EPDeneke & @DavidDuncker

#EHRA_Ecomm @escardio #EPeeps


Some publications from @EPDeneke about Esophageal injuries.
1⃣ a must read publication from 2017:

Esophagal perforation delayed diagnosis is associated w/ development of atrial-esophageal fistula & ⬆️mortality.


In this study, @EPDeneke assessed the S-Cath temperature probe consisting of 12 fast-response temp sensors on a S-shaped probe providing an ⬆️coverage of the esophagus. Even if ablation time was ⬇️ at post. wall, esophagal lesions were ↔️


In this study assessing the impact of contact force ablation catheter with modified irrigation technology, this new technology was not associated with oesophageal thermal lesions. @EPDeneke


In 90 patients, very high-power short-duration (vHPSD) via temperature-controlled ablation was not associated with oesophageal ulceration.

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