I am very proud to share with you the 3rd episode of 🎙 "EHRA Cardio Talk - Keep the rhythm" The #EHRA_ESC podcast: Oesophagal injuries related to AF ablation 🎙with @EPDeneke & @DavidDuncker
In this study, @EPDeneke assessed the S-Cath temperature probe consisting of 12 fast-response temp sensors on a S-shaped probe providing an ⬆️coverage of the esophagus. Even if ablation time was ⬇️ at post. wall, esophagal lesions were ↔️ bit.ly/3owgXDC
In this study assessing the impact of contact force ablation catheter with modified irrigation technology, this new technology was not associated with oesophageal thermal lesions.
A clinically significant pocket hematoma is an independent risk factor for subsequent device infection (HR 7.7). @JACCJournals bit.ly/3ocT2JU
- suggesting that either stopping or continuing non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants might be reasonable at the time of device implantation. #EHJ @ESC_Journal bit.ly/3L1kyE8
1/ #EHRA_ESC tweetorial on anticoagulation & stroke prevention.
#EPeeps, after having done an overview #tweetorial on the new @escardio#AFib guidelines 2020 👉bit.ly/2ITAbCq, I will go more in depth into several topics of these guidelines in the next weeks
3/ I think that this figure which summarizes OAC in #AFib is very didactic and practical. Please note that NOACS are generally recommended as first line therapy for OAC.
First, let’s take a look at the "what’s new" part.
ECG documentation is required to establish the diagnosis of #AFib (either standard 12-lead ECG recording or single-lead ECG tracing of at least 30 s).
I think that this is important because now we can explicitly diagnose AF with single-lead ECGs. #wEHRAbles