Tuffs ASIA+AU+NZ COVID-19 = 144 Deaths Per Million Profile picture
Demographics, geography, data modeling. Access to professional databases and STEM including pre-prints. Lessons Learned analysis. Facts not slogans.

Dec 4, 2021, 10 tweets

@davidhogg111 -- Go on offense = risk being a target for threats, possible vendetta actions

For example, threats still cover up a gross Trump misfeasance 2018 - 2020.

He feared bad press if Ebola made the jump.

So he dumped federal pandemic response on the hapless states.

Ebola never got here. SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 makes up for its absence.

The system Trump had John Bolton destroy had been implemented originally, very basically in 1955. A gift from Eisenhower's SEATO alliance.

Eastern Asia = 144 deaths-per-million


USA = 2,364 DPM

What Bolton eliminated ranged from
-- The top manager, Adm. Riemer
-- Non-military staff
-- Liaison positions between WH and Agencies
Together with:
-- Border quarantine
-- Nat'l Tracking Corps
-- Antivirals/antibiotics
-- Positive pressure PPE

As COVID became a national emergency in China, 21-Jan-2020, Trump Administration went over into denial.

"Like magic, it will disappear."

Thousands of deaths in Hubei province induced no additional connection with reality.

Foreign Policy got off a salvo.

If the Eisenhower-thru-Obama system had been in place, border quarantine would have been invoked automatically based on WHO declarations.

At 144 DPM like eastern Asia, the US would have lost 144 X 330 = less than 50,000 total deaths

These projects are labor intensive.

Instead of correcting what's missing, NGO and Think Tank work in USA since 2018 has been twisted to omit the most critical tasks.

They are good at budget grabs.

Here's the worst of the worst of it. And they pretend to be doing original work.

Even Michael Lewis fell for their crap. Unbelievably, he has George Bush initiating the first pandemic planning in 2005.

Asia, of course, had been fighting dengue, plague et. al. for centuries.

Everybody screws the pooch sometime.

Everything Lewis's "Wolverines" wanted was already being done.

They didn't know that because they didn't have the security clearances or federal contacts that would have given access.

Piecemeal training, sure.

3,000+ pages of planning docs were sealed off like nuclear codes.

After the Foreign Policy article, corporate media dropped the story. Trump/Bolton destructions disappeared from coverage.

They have google.

They knew that Bolton's tale of a re-organization was a lie. The critical positions didn't move, they disappeared.

Please, allow for a reminder.

"Not to relitigate the past" = this is the biggest 2-man crime in the history of the United States

Trump is a monster.

Bolton was a willing coward, not a #RealityWinner

FBI, Congress & corporate media have done nothing.

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