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Dec 4, 2021, 33 tweets

Getting back to Twitter after a day of little sleep and hard work (oh wait -It's the other way around, but hey, still recovering from Covid edition II, OK?), I bumped into this
What had I done
(Warning: upcoming, long thread of questionable art)

First try with my name (my real/French name. Since most French people fail to get it, and English speaking people think I'm joking, I generally go by Haylee on this site).
So apparently, according to my name, I'm a boy 🤷‍♀️
(Guess the App doesn't know many French names)

Second try with a different style -That's pretty accurate I guess, if you look at the last fortnight.
Here I am trying to work with half my brain gone.

Here's another style, still with my name -I look pissed off for whatever reason, guess I just caught up with the world news.
Definitevely a Vi vibe here (yes, from Arcane)

I think I've spent one to two hours on this website/App.
(Just publishing the results that could be worth seeing, not the atrocious ones).
Now with my full name (yes I have more than one first names).
Better results than just with my first first name.
Not sure what that is, tho

Ok with my full name the App seems to be able to get that I am a girl.
Guess my other names (at least the last ones) were in its records.

Funny how I still get the Arcane's Vi vibe on this style tho.
Is it specific to my name or is it just for any name?
Gonna check later.

Here is the "no style" style.
Guess my name is depressing then? 🤷‍♀️
F*ck me I had no idea

Let's see if we can turn this tide.
I'll keep my first names, but will try to replace my family name with the family name of the guy I have a silly crush on.
Well the App seems to be pulling for that, as I look a lot less depressed...
FTR I'm way too old for pigtails tho

Oh my god we've got an almost undepressed picture!
(Not the App specialty according to my experience - but again it could be that my name is that depressing)
I kid you not, this is the most optimistic expression I've got here

Ah, interestingly, the Vi vibe is gone.
Guess it's my family name then.

Note that with my borrowed family name I am most definitively a girl.
A brunette for whatever reason?
Anyway -still, progress

And there I am discovering the same key words give different images if you try more than once.
I actually like this one.

Yeah the App seems determined to motivate me to change my family name, as I couldn't get unugly picture with my own.
(It's a f*cking quite long shot tho, App :-)
But hey I do like this

Here I totally cheat as I cut the ugly part of the picture.
But I do like that result.

OMG I love this one.

Now let's get serious.
(Remember this is a selection because quite a lot of the pictures I got were just awful. What's coming isn't.)
From the result @EliotHiggins got while playing with Neural Blender with adding "Zdzisław Beksiński" I did the exact same
Yep, it works here too..

It's official, Zdzisław Beksiński is AI's Art Apps' best friends.
Just look at this.
(Yes, still from my first name and a borrowed last name.)

Yes, there is a lot of bloodshed in those results, so not everyone will like it
But it's got style, you gotta admit it

This is a Christmas card

Obviously, you can like it or not, but by adding "by Zdzisław Beksiński), you always get an interesting result

I'm a fan, I must admit (and this is one of my favourite)
(No idea which style I picked, when you add Zdzisław Beksiński, it supersedes any preset style anyway)

Example: This is the "Japanese traditional style"

This, I gotta say, seems to me a quite accurate representation of Russia under Putin's rule
(Not the key words I entered)

FTR here is what "Russia under Putin's rule by Zdzisław Beksiński" returns

Here with "Synthwave" style
(Pretty accurate isn't it)

And that's the "no style" version
(F*ck me)
The App *knows*
"Russia under Putin's rule by Zdzisław Beksiński"
(cc: @navalny @Kasparov63 @KevinRothrock)

Here's "Belarus under Lukashenko's rule"
(App doesn't suck at this)

(The "no style" version is pretty scary)

"United Kingdom under Boris Johnson's premiership"
(Pretty sure no comment is needed)

Ok and I'll end with one of my favourite
(That's from my first name and my borrowed family name by Zdzisław Beksiński FTR)
Returning a f*cked up fish thingy
(I can't promise I'm not done playing with this thing)

OK, still playing a little bit more
"State of the World" is f*cking depressing -even more than my name tbh
I didn't even add "by Zdzisław Beksiński"


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