Ford Fischer Profile picture
Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Dec 5, 2021, 10 tweets

The far-right "Patriot Front" rallied today in front of the United States Capitol and marched throughout Washington DC, protected at all stages by MPD, who kept press & counter-protesters away from them.

Their avowed fascist leader Thomas Rousseau led chants & spoke at Capitol.

Patriot Front marched through the National Mall, filming themselves as they passed locations like the WWII and Lincoln memorials with a roving police perimeter surrounding them.

They ultimately crossed the Arlington Memorial Bridge into Virginia.

After crossing into Virginia, about half of the "Patriot Front" members loaded into U-Haul moving trucks and were driven away.

The remaining 75 or so members stood in a shield formation behind a police line.

Officers detoured traffic in the area & closed one side of the bridge.

It wasn't until more than an hour later that another or one of the earlier U-Hauls came to pick up the remaining "Patriot Front" members who had been standing still surrounded by cops until then.

Only about half of them fit, leaving 30-40 more standing on the side of the road.

Officers circled their vehicles around the remaining 30-40 Patriot Front members and let traffic begin again.

Totaling more than three hours after reaching their exit point, a U-Haul picked up the remaining members from the side of the road at Arlington National Cemetery.

Here is my full @N2Sreports summary video reel of today's unexpected rally by the fascist group "Patriot Front" throughout Washington DC.

The rally was a surprise, so my video begins roughly an hour after they apparently entered the city.

To be very clear, I don't use the term "fascist" sparingly; the group was led tonight by its founder Thomas Rousseau (seen throughout the footage, the only member not wearing a mask), who openly said he identifies as a fascist at Charlottesville.

For more on the background of Patriot Front, I'd recommend this very thorough story by @thencarolsaid and @frizimmermann at @propublica.…

Added odd element to this story: Apparently a fake account on Twitter that appears to have belonged to Patriot Front itself was the first one to tweet about this.

@washingtonpost wrote about it, but @conspirator0 I think caught this first.…

It was after that that antifascist accounts began talking about it.

I personally didn’t arrive until more than half hour after seeing these; some journalists didn’t arrive until the masked group had reached their apparent pickup space where they were guarded by police for hours.

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