Andrew—Author of America Rises On Substack Profile picture
Pro-Democracy. Anti-Fascism. Gay AF. READ PROJECT 2025 to see @GOP is a fascist Nazi cult. Harris is our candidate. We will beat Trump again and #ExpandTheCourt

Dec 5, 2021, 7 tweets

This politico comparison of SCOTUS justices’ stated position on Roe at their confirmation hearings and their current position exemplifies exactly why the court has no legitimacy. Perjury is a felony. All 6 @GOP-appointed justices lied to get confirmed.…

Chief Justice John Roberts: Nominated by George W. Bush and Confirmed in 2005

Justice Clarence Thomas: Nominated by George H.W. Bush and confirmed in 1991

Justice Samuel Alito: Nominated by George W. Bush and confirmed in 2006

Justice Neil Gorsuch: Nominated by Donald Trump and confirmed in 2017

Justice Brett Kavanaugh: Nominated by Donald Trump and confirmed in 2018

Justice Amy Coney Barrett: Nominated by Donald Trump and confirmed in 2020

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