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Defending the sex-based rights of women and girls. You can support our work here https://t.co/wsu1kNEzma

Dec 6, 2021, 5 tweets

Why are we taking the Scottish Government to court over its definition of "What is your sex" in the 2022 Census in Scotland?

Today Dr Nicola Williams talks to @GBNEWS /1

@GBNEWS Why does accurate data on sex matter? /2

Read more: fairplayforwomen.com/small-errors-i…

@GBNEWS Why do we need to know people's sex? Why does it matter to anyone else? /3

@GBNEWS Are you transphobic? /4

@GBNEWS What does @NatRecordsScot say about the legal challenge and why they are not withdrawing their guidance? /5

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