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Husbandist|Strategist|Militarist|Jurist|Papist ~ Red Tory ~ ISTJ ~ Souths/Richmond ~ Basset Hound aide-de-camp ~ Proverbs 27:17 ~ RT=interesting / Like=noted

Dec 6, 2021, 10 tweets

As it is Christmas and I am often (for some reason) DMed about gift ideas for that hard-to-buy-for curmudgeon, here are some books that I have read or re-read this year that would make for a good & sound Christma gift. In no particular order ⬇️

Well this is in order as it is the excellent memoir of our former Governor General and most senior soldier, as well as my own former commanding General, Sir Peter Cosgrove

This by @hoyer_kat on the German Empire is superb and should be read by every sound person here

This memoir of General Wrangel, leader of the White Armies in the Russian civil war, is superb. Wrangel had a fascinating life. His evacuation of his people from the Crimea was in stark contrast to this year’s Kabul catastrophe. Published by @MysteryGrove

I would normally assume that you have already purchased @SohrabAhmari ‘s book but if not you should & it will be a useful & needed corrective to any tiresome Lefty Boomers in the family (unless they are bequeathing you one of their investment properties, cf Prudence as a virtue)

This on the formal end of the western Roman Empire is very good and is written in clear and accessible prose. Very good gift for those inclined to see civilisational collapse around them albeit not all that reassuring it is not happening now …

You should all own this but if not, do yourself and those around you a favour for this Christmas so that you can instruct the ignorant and correct error.

If you have sound and sensible youth and adults, not to mention those who are ‘based’, to buy for this Christmas, then you cannot do better this year than @RCCoulombe ‘s biography of the last Habsburg emperor.

If you have raised or are raising sound youth, they can have no better book to read than @EduardHabsburg ‘s “Dubbie” - if a copy of “Dubbie” is not in the stockings of the youth this Christmas, you have sinned by omission.

That will do for now but will be added to in due course.

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