Davide Rizzo Profile picture
Associate professor in agronomy @unilasalle_fr I tweet at my own responsibility about #FollowTheRobot, #AgAutomation, #FutureAg and #LandscapeAgronomy

Dec 7, 2021, 5 tweets

#WFIRA2021 There we go, back in Toulouse for the 6th edition of @FIRA_team World #AgRobotics Forum. A mixed in presence and online event and many new robots being presented. Stay tuned for more insight on #AgAutomation and #FutureAg

#WFIRA2021 Now is the time for the innovation pitch to present #TRAXX, the compact lightweight new autonomous machine by @ExxactR for narrow vineyards. #Safety is the key design factor of this machine that is ready to tackle new spraying and tillage practices.

#WFIRA2021 Proximal detection is the main mission of this unmanned ground vehicle for field crop data scouting,. This is #SentiV by @Meropy_Robotic being presented by William Guitton, CEO and co-founder of this #AgAutomation tool for weed & pest detection above & under the canopy

#WFIRA2021 Scaling computer vision AI application is the mission and DNA of @robovision. Simplifying algorithm design, dealing with 3D and, currently, with open field #AgAutomation are the challenges they are tackling. Now at @FIRA_team

#WFIRA2021 Data collection and artificial intelligence: several pieces of the puzzle are ready, the stake is their integration to create value for farmers. Panellists are discussing issues related to this central topic for #AgAutomation towards #FutureAg

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