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Dec 7, 2021, 5 tweets

The Tilenga project is planned to develop nine fields, namely;jobi-Rii, Ngiri, Gunya, kasamene, Wahrindi, Kigogole, Nsoga, Ngege, and Ngara. #TilengaSiteUpdates #Tilenga

The completion of the Tilenga and EACOP projects required the implementation of a land acquisition program covering some 6,400 hectares. #TilengaSiteUpdates #Tilenga

@UNOC_UG holds 15% participating interest in the project partnering with CNOOC Uganda Limited and @TotalEnergiesUG B.V, holding 28.33% and 56.67% respectively.
#TilengaSiteUpdates #Tilenga

The ESIA report for the Tilenga project was submitted to @nemaug in June 2018. @PAU_Uganda organized two public hearings for the ESIA on 12th and 15th November 2018 in Buliisa and Nwoya District.

Award of the Tilenga project contracts including Engineering procurement, and construction (EPC) contracts and drilling are awaiting FID. #TilengaSiteUpdates #Tilenga

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