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We are a research team led by Prof. Andrew Przybylski studying how the Internet, social media, & video games influence mental health. Lucky is our mascot.

Dec 7, 2021, 6 tweets

U.S. @Surgeon_General new #YouthMentalHealth Advisory says "Technology companies must step up and take responsibility for creating a safe digital environment for children and youth" and outlines four concrete steps to advance youth mental health science in the digital age. (1/6)

@Surgeon_General tells companies:"Be transparent and allow for independent researchers and the public to study the impact of company products on user health and wellbeing."

Step 1: Enable all users to donate their data, their online experiences, to independent researchers. (2/6)

@Surgeon_General says "Directly provide researchers with data to enable understanding of (a) subgroups of users most at risk of harm and (b) algorithmic design and operation."

Step 2: Don't stop at summary reports, the resolution of data needs to be suitable for science. (3/6)

@Surgeon_General is clear companies must "Partner with researchers and experts to analyze the mental health impacts of new products and features in advance of rollout."

Step 3: Work with independent scientists to push past current debates. (4/6)

@Surgeon_General "Allow a broad range of researchers to access data and previous research instead of providing access to a privileged few."

Step 4: Democratise data access to bona fide scientists and empower them to conduct independent and credible work. (5/6)

So please check this out, the @Surgeon_General's new advisory is essential reading for companies cc @Meta @tiktok_us @Snapchat @Google @YouTube, scholars @BPSOfficial and advocates @5RightsFound, and those who knit us together @FOSI. Report here:… (6/6)

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