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Sex Matters. Stand up for single sex services This is not a culture war

Dec 7, 2021, 8 tweets

The Domestic Abuse Commissioner today launched a survey.

It does not ask your sex.

Does. Not. Ask. Your. Sex


People have different needs and the survey is to tell government what those needs are.

But @CommissionerDA has already decided that there are no needs that are different depending on sex.

Everything must be mixed sex.

She is not even going to collect data on sex.

The @CommissionerDA says that their work abides by the @womensaid Research Integrity Framework

Which says that sex matters…

Also the government social research ethical principles, which say that sex matters…

The could also look at the Office for Statistics inclusive data taskforce recommendations…

How can the Domestic Abuse Commissioner possibly say that we don't need to have sex disaggregated data on this topic, and just throw away the sex question?

Sex matters has written to her calling on her to stop the survey and reissue it with a sex question.

How can you do a national survey of domestic abuse victims and not bother to ask them what sex they are.

It is a dereliction of duty.…

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