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Dec 7, 2021, 9 tweets

Scientists around the world are racing to understand the Omicron coronavirus variant. There is still a lot of uncertainty, but we asked experts four big questions about it.

Does Omicron spread faster than earlier variants? Yes, in all likelihood.

A bigger unknown is why the Omicron variant is spreading rapidly. Here are two plausible answers.

Is Omicron more severe than earlier variants? Probably not. But some scientists think it’s simply too early to know as the world has been monitoring Omicron for less than two weeks.

So far, hospitalization and death rates in South Africa have not soared even as cases have. Intriguingly, patients are reporting less loss of taste and smell.

Are vaccinated people protected from Omicron or not? There is still no sign that it will cause a significant share of vaccinated people to get severe versions of Covid.

But seemingly mild Covid infections can prove deadly for vulnerable people, and immunity seems to be waning over time. Experts are encouraging people to get vaccinated, even if they’ve had Covid, and getting boosted, if eligible.

Do Covid tests — including both PCR tests and rapid at-home tests — still work? Yes, based on the signs so far.

The bottom line is that early signs may prove misleading, and we will know more about Omicron within a few weeks.

Read experts’ full explanations of what they know so far here:

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