Donnie Discerned Profile picture
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8

Dec 8, 2021, 7 tweets

Kanye on Trump: "We are both dragon energy". On Nov 24, 2019 West created an opera event titled "Nebuchadnezzar: A Kanye West opera", supposedly about the biblical Babylonian king. Strangely, the event started over 2 hours late, promptly starting at 6:14pm, Trump's birthday. 🐉

You may remember, after Kanye’s mental breakdown, and then reprogramming, it was TRUMP who picked him up.


If you don’t remember, Kanye West went on a strange rant on 11-21-16 before canceling the show, and going to a hospital for weeks.

He says, “I’m on my Trump shit tonight!”

After weeks of hospitalizations (Repgramming) he walks into the Trump Tower and has meeting with him.

Something about this looks odd.

The time between his breakdown (11-21) and his meeting with Trump (12-13) is 22 days.

22 is the number of the ‘Master Builder’ and also the last two digits in Trump’s “Text Trump to 88022.”

On October 11, 2018 Kanye said that Trump is “a Master of industry, a Builder.” Which obviously means “Master Builder.”

If you read my pinned thread, (You should have read that first) you should know that Trump = 88 in Gematria and is an essential key in this entire rabbit hole.

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