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"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8
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Dec 21, 2024 30 tweets 11 min read
What if I told you there’s a growing narrative where extraterrestrial beings, channeled by New Age mystics, claim to have guided humanity for millennia, and they say Donald Trump is part of their divine plan to "awaken and expand mankind's collective consciousness."

A thread. Image The Family of Taygeta are extraterrestrial beings from the Pleiades, channeled by a mystic named Judith.

They claim to be guiding humanity through a transformative event called ‘The Shift,’ promising peace, unity, and enlightenment.

But their teachings raise serious questions. Image
Nov 13, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
A new article claims that the Midrash hints that Trump could "Return Glory to the Western World by Building the Third Temple.

We’re getting closer to the final days, and everything is falling into place for Trump to be hailed as the world’s great “peacemaker.”

Let’s dive in. Image Rabbi Berger compares Trump’s journey to that of Moses, who was revealed to Israel, then hidden, and revealed again to fulfill his ultimate purpose.

Trump, who first came to power in 2016, was “hidden” after his loss in 2020, and now, with his return, some believe he’s back to fulfill a greater role.Image
Mar 5, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
A few days ago, the Israel Heritage Foundation visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago to present him with a Menorah as an award for his efforts to make peace in the Middle East.

The Menorah inscription calls Trump the "Prince of Peace."

A title prophesying the birth of Christ in Isaiah 9. Image The Menorah cites the passage of Isaiah 9:6:

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

Here's verse 7:

"Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."Image
Jan 11, 2024 18 tweets 17 min read
The Fall of The New World Order: Humanity’s coming Victory Over Darkness and the Awakening into the New Age of Lucifer’s False Light.

(Eighteen Part Mega-Thread 🧵)

(Part 1) Trump's Unconventional Presidency: A Turning Point in the Mainstreaming of the Anti-New World Order Resistance.

The Trump administration stands out as a pivotal moment in the mainstreaming of the conspiracy narrative and the emergence of the new rising gnostic army.

Given that conspiracy truthers often perceive presidents as mere puppets manipulated by globalist puppeteers, Alex Jones' endorsement of Trump marked an unprecedented shift, signaling a new direction in American politics.

In contrast to the majority of his predecessors, Trump displays a genuine interest in uncovering government secrets and conspiracies, such as the JFK assassination and even 9/11.

His clear stance against globalism, notably highlighted in his 2018 speech at the United Nations General Assembly, resonates with the concept of "ideal nationalism."

This concept, embraced by occult channeler Alice Bailey, envisions a global confederation of enlightened nations that maintain their national sovereignty and collaborate peacefully—a true application of the occult principle of unity in diversity.

Similarly, Trump's rejection of "global governance, control, and domination" aligns with Alice Bailey's disapproval of "the so-called 'New Order' of the totalitarian powers." Bailey opposed a herd-like collectivism that eroded both national and individual sovereignty.

In contrast to the disempowering vision of the Illuminati's New World Order, Bailey's vision of a global confederation comprised of enlightened and fully independent nations aims to "develop in humanity a sense of divinity," as expressed in her book "Externalization of the Hierarchy" (Pg. 193).

Following Bailey's lead, Trump is empowering leaders of other nations to resist the global threat posed by the New World Order and its demoralizing perspective on humanity.

Jerome Corsi, a contributor to Alex Jones' show Infowars and the author of "Killing the Deep State," asserts that Trump was directly recruited by the military to combat the New World Order, also known as the cabal or the deep state. Trump's commitment to 'drain the swamp' was rooted in the mission to bring globalist figures like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to justice. (Part 2) Trump vs. The Deep State: Unveiling Coordinated Attacks and the Emergence of a Mainstream Recognition of the Deep State.

Since his presidential victory, Trump has faced relentless systemic attacks from the mainstream media and official government agencies.

These entities, suspiciously aligned in an anti-Trump campaign, have consistently labeled him as 'racist, sexist, and mentally unstable.'

Additionally, Trump has been directly targeted by the FBI and the Justice Department, accused of being a secret Russian agent who illegally won the 2016 election with Russia's assistance.

In February 2019, former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe openly admitted on 60 Minutes that he and other high-level officials had discussed removing President Trump based on mere suspicions of Russian collusion.

Despite the allegations, no concrete evidence has surfaced, and ironically, the only solid evidence that has emerged points to a coordinated anti-Trump network within the government determined to criminalize and disgrace him.

Prominent Trump supporters, including Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi, Kevin Ship, and Sean Hannity, contend that the Russian collusion accusations are nothing more than coordinated deep state tactics.

Their aim is to delegitimize Trump's presidency and hinder his efforts to prosecute cabal members for criminal activities, particularly their involvement in child sex trafficking and pedophilia.

The concept of a Deep State has long been relegated to the realm of conspiracy theory. However, the ongoing coordinated assault against President Trump has led to an increasingly mainstream acknowledgment of the Deep State, aligning with one of the three main goals of matrix disclosure, as outlined in my previous post.
Jan 8, 2024 5 tweets 9 min read
Proponents of the occult and agents of the beast are ultimately leading people into the lie that Christianity and the Bible are Freemasonic, Jewish psyops, that have been used for control and manipulation throughout history through the rising truther/conspiracy movement

They are ultimately leading believers into the falling away, believing that the current Zionist, Talmudic new world order also created the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and that the Gods of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is actually Satan.

They seek to lead humanity into “awakening” to this “truth”, rebelling against this current control matrix, and creating a new system by expanding our collective consciousness and realizing that “God is within.”

That we are all connected to and created by infinite consciousness and by raising our vibrations humanity will spiritually evolve into a new age of peace, prosperity, and safety.

Followers of Yahweh, the God of the Bible, will be seen as satanic agents of the Zionist cabal hindering collective spiritual growth and be terribly persecuted.

This will be the beast’s war destroying the harlot, which I believe will kick off after the abomination of desolation.

Who is Mystery Babylon, the Harlot and how does this tie into the rising truther movement and how it will set the stage for the beast kingdom?

E511 Ministries explains it best in his video, “New World Order is the Harlot, but Not the beast.”:

Let’s first look at Revelation 11:8 which speaks of the death of the two witnesses.

“And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of THE GREAT CITY, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also OUR LORD WAS CRUCIFIED.”

So obviously “that great city” is also where Our Lord was crucified.

Now keep in mind the phrase ‘the great city.’

Let’s look at Revelation 14:8,

“And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”

In Revelation 17:18 we read,

“And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.”

So we can see in when speaking about Babylon or the harlot, the same phrase, ‘the great city’ is also used.

In chapter 11 ‘the great city’ is identified as Jerusalem, and the great city is also used in chapters 14 and 17 when speaking of Babylon.

If we let the Bible interpret the Bible, we can’t come to any other conclusion than that the harlot of Babylon is Jerusalem.

Which also makes because Jerusalem is the only city that God would call a harlot, because it’s the only city that God ever made a Holy Covenant with.

It’s the only city that He tried to make His bride.

The martial analogy is used throughout scripture both with Jerusalem and Israel as well as the general body of believers who become part of Israel spiritually.

The body of believers, both Jew and gentile make up God’s bride.

And so there’s really no reason for God to call a city a harlot unless that city or the people of it betrayed a holy covenant with God.

And there’s only one nation God made a covenant with, which is Jerusalem and the nation of Israel.

Harlotry is not a reference to mere wicked acts, it’s specifically a reference to betrayal.

I think it’s pretty clear that Jerusalem is that great city, Babylon the harlot, the unfaithful wife who has continually betrayed her marriage with God.

And of course Jerusalem and Israel are referred to a harlot in Isaiah 1:21, Jer 2;20, 3:1-11, Ez. 16;1-43, and Gal. 4:25.

That’s what brought the day of the Lord, was their harlotry, God delivered Israel into the hands of their enemies because she played the harlot.

And so it will be at the end, when the Great day of the Lord comes in the final days and the Lord God delivers Jerusalem into the hands of her enemies.

This ties directly into this light versus dark battle that I have been talking about. With this in mind, let’s look at Revelation 17:16-18,

“And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.”

So after reading this passage with the understanding that the harlot of Babylon is Jerusalem it all starts to fall into place.

I believe Jerusalem, that great city that reigns over the kings of the earth is a perfect description of the Jewish led new world order.

The Rothschild family for example, that has financed wars and controlled governments.

And as we hear over and over again from people like David Icke as well as Hitler, Israel is the headquarters of the new world order.

And if you’ll notice in the passage we just looked at it says that the horns of the beast which are ten kings will destroy the harlot.

This indicates two things.

First, that the harlot and the beast are not the same thing.

And secondly, that they are not united, at least not in the end.

I believe this destruction of the harlot by the horns of the beast is a biblical reference to the light versus dark occult battle that I’ve been talking about.

With the harlot (Zionist NWO) as the dark side being destroyed by the kings of the beast, who represent the light side, or the alliance, the foundation of the true beast system.

The destruction of the harlot is the luciferian victory of the light.

God is using Jerusalem’s enemies which are growing by the day as more people awaken to the reality of the NWO, to judge her, and ultimately destroy her.

So when New age occultist Alice bailey rails against “the powerful men who stand behind governments and politicians and control everything” as stated in her book “Problems of
Humanity,” she, as an agent of the beast is calling out the great harlot, who reigns over the kings of the earth.

In her book “Rays and initiations” she specifically refers to “the lying machinations of three zionists.”

The same goes for new age conspiracy truther Jordan Maxwell who has for decades been exposing the so called Babylonian system that rules the world. Which he ultimately says is being carried on today by the Jews.

Maxwell as a luciferian agent of the beast is accusing the great harlot, Jerusalem, for her wicked acts. And the deception here, propagated by the truther community that a lot of Christians have bought into, is the idea that this Jewish led NWO is the foundation of the beast system, when in reality it’s the great harlot who the horns of the beast will hate and destroy.

It’s the conspiracy and new age communities, the Alice Bailey’s, the Jordan Maxwell’s, the David icke’s, etc who are actually laying the foundation for the true beast system.

The global alliance of Israel’s enemies. The light rising up against the dark is the beast rising up against the harlot.

And the whole truther conspiracy narrative a lot of people seem to think that its Christian, but there’s no foundation for that assumption at all.

The conspiracy narrative comes from Alice bailey and Hitler, and before that the roots of it can be found in the Thule Society founded by Rudolf Von Sebottendorf, who declared that their enemy was Judah.

So the truther conspiracy narrative is ultimately pro beast propaganda.

A global alliance of Israel’s enemies that instead of exposing the beast, is actually conditioning the world to accept the true beast kingdom.

The beast will rise up as a great liberator from the wickedness of the harlot.

Now I’m certainly not suggesting there is no partnership between the harlot and the beast, afterall revelation 17 says that the beast carries the harlot.
Dec 30, 2023 5 tweets 6 min read
The Babalon Working Rituals – Aleister Crowley, The Moonchild, Sex Magick, The founding of Nasa, The Blood Moon and Donald Trump. (Thread 🧵)

The Babylon Working, also known as the Babalon Working or the Working of the Beast, was a series of magical rituals conducted by the American rocket scientist and occultist Jack Parsons and the Founder of Scientology and occultist L. Ron Hubbard in 1946.

The goal of the working was to manifest the energy of the goddess Babalon, infuse her feminine energy with masculine energy, and create the Moonchild or The Beast.

“Jet-propelled Antichrist,” as Parsons put it.

The rituals were conducted over several weeks and were part of Parsons' larger magical workings.

The rituals were conducted in the framework of the Thelemic system developed by Aleister Crowley, emphasizing the central tenet:

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

The Babalon Working aimed to bring about a specific magical and spiritual result, often interpreted as the manifestation of the divine feminine archetype, Babalon.

The specific details of the rituals conducted during the Babalon Working were not fully disclosed by Parsons and Hubbard, and there is some ambiguity and speculation surrounding the events.

Here is what we know.

These connections blew my mind.

(See Next Post)Image Jack Parsons was an American rocket engineer, chemist, and occultist.

He played a significant role in the early development of rocket technology in the United States and was one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

JPL has a significant historical connection to NASA as one of its key centers for the robotic exploration of space.

At the same time of his career in Rocket Science, Parsons was deeply involved in occult and esoteric pursuits, particularly within the framework of Thelema, the spiritual philosophy developed by Aleister Crowley.

Parsons' involvement in occultism and his connection to the Babalon Working rituals are notable aspects of his life.

Jack Parsons developed an early interest in the occult and esotericism. He became involved in various magical and mystical traditions, including Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and Thelema.

Parsons was a follower of Aleister Crowley and a dedicated practitioner of Thelema, Crowley's spiritual philosophy that centers around the maxim "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

Parsons joined the Agape Lodge, the California branch of Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.).

In 1946, Parsons initiated a series of magical rituals known as the Babalon Working, along with L. Ron Hubbard, who later founded the Church of Scientology.

The Babalon Working involved elements of sexual magick, including ritual sex acts, which Parsons believed could be used to generate magical power and achieve spiritual transformation. The rituals were conducted over a period of several weeks and included scrying, invocations, and ceremonial practices.

Despite the controversies and challenges in his life, Jack Parsons is remembered for his contributions to rocket science and his influential role in the early development of rocket technology.

In occult circles, he is also remembered for his unique blend of scientific and mystical interests.

The International Astronomical Union named a crater on the darks side of the moon after Parsons in 1972.

Jack Parsons' life was tragically cut short when he died in a laboratory explosion in 1952.

The reason for going into depth on this character is so that the reader may understand the impact of his legacy.

Now let’s talk about the Moonchild, the Blood Moon of 1946 and how I believe it connects to Donald Trump.

(See Next Post)Image
Nov 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The Economist released this years “the World Ahead” with Trump ‘eclipsing’ the world.

I believe this is foreshadowing the looming destruction of the current world order and the rise of the Beast world ruler.

‘Donald’ means “ruler of the world” in Scottish Gaelic.

The second Great American Eclipse also occurs in April of 2024.
Image I highly recommend reading this about the two Great American Eclipses.

There are exactly 6 years 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days between the two eclipses if you add the days first.

The exactly midpoint was when the very first Covid vaccine was administered.
Nov 4, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Elon Musk says that through AI we will reach an 'Age of Abundance.'

"People won't need to work and will have a universal basic income."

This is exactly the 'Golden age' of deception I've been warning about from the beginning.

The Real New World Order of false light. The New World Order is not what most people think it is.

They have been pushing the idea of a tyrannical, oppressive NWO in order to lead the masses into fear so that they may accept the REAL New World Order, which is the "Awakened" Age of Lucifer.

A very clever deception.
Oct 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Donald Trump just posted this image on his Instagram page.

Many will say this picture represents Jesus being by his side through persecution.

That is not what this photo represents.

This is Trump’s persecution being likened to Jesus’s persecution, as has been done many times before by many including his son, Donald Trump Jr as I’ve pointed out before.

Make no mistake, Trump in his heart believes he is a Christ-like, messiah figure that will save the world so he can take credit for it.

Trump sees the praise and adoration Jesus receives and wants that for himself. His entire life philosophy has always been about being number 1.

This is exactly why the religious zionists in his corner are and will continue to push for him to fulfill these messianic prophecies of protecting Israel and bringing peace to all nations. So that he can claim to be the messiah.

Lucifer fell because of pride. And so too will the Antichrist be led into perdition. Because he magnifies himself in his heart.

That’s what the biblical Antichrist is, a man with the prideful characteristics of Lucifer who tries to be Jesus.

This is exactly the strong delusion talked about in 2 Thessalonians 2:11.

Keep your eyes and heart on Jesus Christ alone, and look not to earthly princes to save you.
Image I highly recommend this thread going over the likening of Trump’s persecution to Jesus.
Oct 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Today is exactly 3 years and 22 days since the signing of the Abraham Accords by Trump.

Israel declared a state of preparedness for war after Hamas attacks today.

The stage is being set for the arrival of the "mashiach" to destroy their enemies and construct the third temple. The name of the Hamas Operation is titled "Al Aqsa Flood."

Which is an interesting detail, as the Temple Mount is titled Al Aqsa Mosque.

I believe we will see much transpire in the coming days and weeks.

All must repent and prepare for the Revelation of Christ.
Sep 30, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Donald J Trump = 1189 (Jewish Gematria)

There are exactly 1,189 chapters in the Holy Bible.

From Donald Trump's cryptic warning of "The Calm Before the Storm" to the "Storming" of the US Capitol was exactly 1189 Days. Image The Pandemic was declared exactly 888 days after Trump made his “Calm before the storm” comments.

"Donald J Trump" = 888 (English Gematria) Image
Aug 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
They absolutely knew that by arresting Donald Trump they have effectively handed him the presidency in 2024. It didn’t “backfire.”

Everything that is occurring has been pre-determined. Trump is the false light champion who will lead us out of the black magic NWO into the white magic NWO.

“Darkness to light.”Image Destruction and rebirth. Everything occurring is a ritual. Politics is an illusion. Don’t be deceived.
Aug 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday, Donald Trump shared an article on ‘Truth Social’ by Wayne Allen Root titled “Donald Trump is the Chosen one.”

The article asserts that Trump is a walking miracle chosen by God and that no one has faced persecution like him since Jesus Christ. “This is all biblical.” Image Here is a link to the article, I recommend reading it as it lines up very well with my claim that Trump is the Antichrist who is deceiving God’s people into a great delusion.…
Jul 28, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
One year ago, I said that we would see the UFO narrative unfold very soon.

They are preparing the world for the invasion of Jesus Christ and His armies at the Second Coming, who they will likely say is an alien threat.

Which is why Trump (The Beast) created the Space Force.🧵 Image On December 8th, 2020 a former Israeli space security chief said that we have been in contact with extraterrestrials from a "galactic federation” and that Donald Trump was aware of the extraterrestrials' existence and had been "on the verge of revealing" information. Image
Jul 22, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
Six days ago, Donald Trump was given a ‘Torah Crown’ by the Israel Heritage Foundation.

Their mission statement is “to await King David’s descendant, our Mashiach, to rule over the land and bring peace to all nations.

(Thread) Here is their mission statement available on their website.

What’s interesting is, there are so many connections of Trump to this coming messiah that it is difficult not to wonder why.

(Continue) Image
Jun 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
One critical mistake that many Christians will make about the end times is that most believe the Antichrist will come as an obvious, easily discernible antagonist to Christianity.

Rather, he will pose as a “savior” to Christianity, and a champion for Israel. He disguises…… I highly recommend watching this video to further understand the deception taking place.

Jun 15, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Donald Trump just raised $6.6 million in 6 days after federal charges. 666.

Do you believe this is a coincidence? Image 666 is a number that seems to follow Donald Trump around wherever he goes, interestingly enough.
Apr 5, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
I’ve been saying since last year that Donald Trump’s persecution would intensify, and that he would possibly be arrested to imitate the persecution of Jesus.

Now, Donald Trump faces great persecution, though being “innocent,” is being martyred as the “sacrificial lamb” for the…… Image Satan is deceiving the entire world, he is the god of this world, as it is written in 2 Cor 4:4. He controls the elite through manipulating them, as he also manipulates normal people.

The Beast will ultimately destroy the Harlot system (current system/order) and “free the world……
Mar 13, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
I’ve been saying for a while that Satan’s plan has always been about destruction and rebirth, order out of chaos.

I believe that the true beast kingdom will be the one that humanity will fight for, rather than against.

Humanity will wake up to the current obviously evil,…… In this clip, infamous occultists and witch Marina Abramovic for the second time that I’ve heard refer to Trump as a “magician of the highest order” who will bring chaos and then lead humanity into a new order.

Order out of chaos, as I’ve been saying.
Dec 31, 2022 17 tweets 6 min read
"Escaping the Matrix."

Humanity's descent down the Rabbit Hole, into Lucifer's Light at the end of the Tunnel.

Satan's True End Game and the Fallen Angel's False Flag Operation.

(A Thread) In the movie The Matrix, Neo is awoken to a message on his computer telling him to wake up and follow the white rabbit.

Neo eventually takes the rabbit hole into realizing that his reality is a lie and that he must wake up and realize his true power to end the machine's tyranny.
Nov 5, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
From Aleister Crowley to Alice Bailey, the occult teachings have always been about the sovereignty and divinity of man, rather than the sovereignty and divinity of God,

and the breaking free from the sin of tyranny,

Rather than breaking free from the tyranny of sin. Two quotes from both famous occultists who both have channeled spirits (Demons) who all reveal the same philosophy.

The same one that Lucifer taught to Adam and Eve in the Garden.

That we ourselves can escape the “tyranny” of God by becoming gods ourselves through knowledge.