Davide Rizzo Profile picture
Tenure Track Scientist @ird_fr I tweet at my own responsibility about #LandscapeAgronomy Co-editor of https://t.co/oIiU55Y6mo…

Dec 8, 2021, 13 tweets

#WFIRA2021 Ready for the 2nd day of the world #AgRobotics Forum, packed with demos and round tables. Stay tuned for more @FIRA_team

#WFIRA2021 A series of 3 lightweight full electric small tractors for frequent (repetitive) crop management practices in (organic) vineyards and row crops. Bonus: solar panel roof for the recharge on the go. Demo at @FIRA_team 2021 by @SAS_SabiAgri

#WFIRA2021 #Trektor is a hybrid autonomous tractor now on live demo from Nantes during the World #AgRobotics Forum @FIRA_team
Diesel power generator and electrical batteries allow for flexibility.
Greenhouse horticulture and vineyards are the first applications.

#WFIRA2021 #Trektor is a hybrid autonomous tractor by @Sitia_nantes and also #TrektorLab that is an open platform for researchers and experts to develop new applications for this robot. Now live @FIRA_team

#WFIRA2021 Is #electricity the unique solution to power #AgRobotics? A workshop now ongoing at @FIRA_team with battery solution providers and robot manufacturers (see mentions in the photo 😉)

#WFIRA2021 Time for the scientific workshop coordinated by @RobagriO and Romand Lenain both virtual and physical now at @FIRA_team 6th edition in Toulouse. Todays focus on autonomous navigation for agricultural operations.

#WFIRA2021 #Harvesting and picking robots: this is rhe topic addressed by the workshop with diversified and relevant panelists, covering this crucial farming practices to which #AgAutomation could provide new tools for better efficiency. Now live @FIRA_team

#WFIRA2021 Learning more about @HarvestCROO a Florida-based robot for automating strawberry picking and packing, based on 360° images of each fruit, ultimately providing data to improve crop management. Now at @FIRA_team

#WFIRA2021 Some agricultural sectors is struggling with lack of labour. This is where #AgRobotics comes in, for instance for asparagus harvesting in the UK. @MuddyMachines is a robot concept answering farmers’ needs, as explained by this asparagus producer during @FIRA_team panel

#WFIRA2021 Robot versus #tractor: which lever of #AgAutomation brings more value to farmers? The 2nd day of the World #AgRobotics Forum is closing on a very relevant roundtable and a high-level group of panelists

#WFIRA2021 Labour efficiency is a matter of having right skills at the right place in the right moment to perform the expected tasks, especially under uncertain time windows due to climate change. Thoughts from Andrew Sunderman @AGCOcorp at @FIRA_team round table on #AgAutomation

#WFIRA21 @Agrointelli has been nominated for silver medal at @AGRITECHNICA for the application in broccoli harvesting. Ole Green shared the announcement during the round table about harvesting & #AgAutomation at the 6th @FIRA_team. Congratulation to the team developing #Robotti!

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