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Dec 8, 2021, 30 tweets

🐧Linux Utility🧰 Commands

47. gzip
The gzip command is used to reduce the file size. It is a compressing tool. It replaces the original file by the compressed file having '.gz' extension.

By default the gzip will delete the original files after compressing them. If you don't want the files to get deleted you use the -d option.

48. gunzip
The gunzip command is used to decompress a file. It is a reverse operation of gzip command.

The find command is used to find a particular file within a directory. It also supports various options to find a file such as by name, type, date, and more.
(.) : current directory name
(/) : root
/dir1/dir1/dirn: search files in folder dir

Ex: Find all text files

50. locate
The locate command is used to search a file by file name. It is quite similar to find command. The locate command searches the file in the database, whereas the find command searches in the file system.

This command is faster than the find command. To find the file with the locates command, keep your database updated. To update the database you use the updatedb command.

51. date
The date command is used to display date, time, time zone, and more.

52. cal
The cal command is used to display the current month's calendar with the current date highlighted. This utility might not be installed on your system to install it run:
sudo apt install ncal
This depends with your distro.

53. sleep
The sleep command is used to hold the terminal by the specified amount of time. By default, it takes time in seconds. In this example another promt will show after 3 seconds.

54. time
The time command is used to execute a command and prints a summary of real-time, user CPU time and system CPU time spent by executing a command when it terminates.

55. zip
zip is used to compress and archive files

56. unzip
unzip is the opposite of zip command

57. zipinfo
list detailed information about a ZIP archive

58. zcat Command
The zcat command is used to display the contents of compressed files.

59. df Command
The df command is used to display the disk space used in the file system. It displays the output as in the number of used blocks, available blocks, and the mounted directory. The -H options makes it human readable.

60. du
The du command is a command line utility for displaying file system disk space usage. It can be used to find out disk usage for files and folders and to show what is taking up space.
The `-a, --all` will allow du to write counts for all files, not just directories

61. free
Display amount of free and used memory in the system. The -h option makes it human readable.

62. exit
Linux exit command is used to exit from the current shell, If the current shell is the last shell it will just close the terminal. It takes a parameter as a number and exits the shell with a return of status number.

63. clear
Linux clear command is used to clear the terminal screen. CTRL + L can do the job real quick too, the advantage of this shortcut is that it can clear your terminal without disturbing what you have already written on the promt.

🐧Linux Network🌐 Commands

64. host
The host command is used to display the IP address for a given domain name and vice versa. It performs the DNS lookups for the DNS Query.

65. ping
The ping command is used to check the connectivity between two nodes, that is whether the server is connected. It is a short form of "Packet Internet Groper.

66. ip
Linux ip command is an updated version of the ipconfig command. It is used to assign an IP address, initialize an interface, disable an interface

67. ssh Command
Linux ssh command is used to create a remote connection through the ssh protocol.

68. wget
wget is used to download files from the internet

69. curl
cURL stands for client URL, is a command line tool that is used to transfer data to and from a server.

70. scp
SCP stands for a secure copy it is used to transfer files to and from a remote/local machine over ssh.
Here is an example of copying file to remote machine.

Here's an example of copying the file from the remote machine.

That's it for today's thread⌛️. Glad you reached this far🥳🥳Hope you found this thread🧵 useful!

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