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Producer/cohost of the Talking Simpsons & What A Cartoon podcasts (@TalkSimpsonsPod)! Listener-supported https://t.co/jlcuA8OTw9 / Avi by @spacecoyotl

Dec 8, 2021, 8 tweets

Thinking about how Spider-Man 2 is about Peter Parker being desperately poor & Aunt May failing to stop the bank from foreclosing on her home, and that MCU is about Peter happily inheriting a billionaire’s fortune & Aunt May became a well-paid philanthropist

Spider-Man 2 is obviously a giant money making venture just like No Way Home, I guess I just think it’s quaint when a superhero movie at least made the heroes struggle financially instead of living in the very rich world of endless charity galas that film producers know better

I had this problem with some Spider-Man comics since like 2005, but I really don’t like Peter Parker looking up to Tony Stark. Even worse in MCU where Stark becomes a father figure essentially replacing Uncle Ben, it’s like replacing George Bailey with Elon Musk

If you like this, I say lots of stuff just like it on the weekly @TalkSimpsonsPod podcasts I cohost!

Here are good ones specifically on Spider-Man:

Spider-Man '94 whatacartoonfeed.libsyn.com/what-a-cartoon…

Amazing Friends whatacartoonfeed.libsyn.com/what-a-cartoon…

Into The Spider-Verse: whatacartoonfeed.libsyn.com/-a-preview-of-…

Hah, I’m now finding out that some people think Peter Parker isn’t well-off in a movie where he’s gifted a trillion dollar drone program, billions in tech-centric costumes, and free Quinjet rides wherever he wants. Or they think MCU May works for FEAST which isn’t in the movie

Aunt May in FFH works an office job with the mega corporation Salvation Army that regularly gets $500k donations. That shouldn’t be confused with her work in FEAST in the PS4 game where she actually does direct charity with the unhoused. This is in the movie, dummies

Tom Holland as Peter Parker literally runs a Silicon Valley startup called WEB that sells Spider Bots in Disneyland! You can enjoy MCU Spider-Man, but why lie to yourself that he’s still a middle class kid from Queens?

If you like this tweet, I cohost tons of @TalkSimpsonsPod podcasts where I share Spider-Man opinions!

Check ‘em out:

Spider-Man '94 whatacartoonfeed.libsyn.com/what-a-cartoon…

Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends whatacartoonfeed.libsyn.com/what-a-cartoon…

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse whatacartoonfeed.libsyn.com/-a-preview-of-…

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