Henry Gilbert Profile picture
Producer/cohost of the Talking Simpsons & What A Cartoon podcasts (@TalkSimpsonsPod)! Listener-supported https://t.co/jlcuA8OTw9 / Avi by @spacecoyotl
Potato Of Reason Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I wanna add that:

1. I’ve watched the show since the pilot first aired and I swear the most recent season (7) might’ve been their best ever

2. If you love VB, Ken Plume’s art book on the series is *essential* reading. Amazing research telling the stories of how it was made TBH the whole series is great, but season 6 & 7 found fresh territory in a show that already had such amazing stories. They moved everyone to basically the Manhattan of Marvel Comics, and revealed stuff they’d been building too since the pilot! It’s incredible!
Jan 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Now I’ve watched Velma and I do want to reiterate what I tweeted a couple days ago: The animation team really deserves more (any) recognition in reviews and press releases that focus exclusively on the famous people involved. The animation crew did a good job with the project! I see cool artists I know from lots of different shows and/or Twitter. And I think Supervising Director Anne Walker Farrell deserves recognition for heading it up. Walker Farrell has lots of neat credits, including some of my favorite BoJack episodes, like this one:
Dec 8, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
Thinking about how Spider-Man 2 is about Peter Parker being desperately poor & Aunt May failing to stop the bank from foreclosing on her home, and that MCU is about Peter happily inheriting a billionaire’s fortune & Aunt May became a well-paid philanthropist Spider-Man 2 is obviously a giant money making venture just like No Way Home, I guess I just think it’s quaint when a superhero movie at least made the heroes struggle financially instead of living in the very rich world of endless charity galas that film producers know better
Dec 8, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Love to spend shitloads of money on health insurance to then come with receipts for those take home tests months later at some undefined time to maybe fill out a form and then get paid back in some third form much later. So much better than just getting a free test And I of course count myself as a lucky enough American to afford the awful health insurance that even gives me “access” to a very complicated rebate for the take home tests I had to visit three different pharmacies to even get ahold of. So great to live here
Dec 6, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Another patented #PsakiBomb! Everybody should pay $25 for their take home tests and like it! I know this is a Person We're Supposed To Like, but the proud condescension in Psaki's smug "Should we just send one to every American? How much does that cost and what happens after that?" is exactly why lots of people aren't excited to vote for Democrats
Feb 5, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Patreon has made my dream career possible, it has been great, but insightful threads like this speak to potentially the company’s greatest enemy: Silicon Valley’s bottomless hunger for exponentially increasing profits over a sustainable business model Patreon hosts the content of others to then collect 5% of their income for themselves. As more and more people hear about the site and join to support the people they like, Patreon’s profits increase year-over-year, a growing sustainable business which will make people rich