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Dec 8, 2021, 9 tweets

Day 2 Encounter Night

Word Session

Message Title: Operating in the Realm of More Than a Conqueror (Part 3): The Tap Root of Supernatural Faith - Bishop David Oyedepo

Every form of unbelief is evil.


'Unbelief corrupts the hearts of men against the truth.
The voice of God stirs supernatural faith.
Every testimony is a pointer to our heritage. - Ps. 119:111'. - Bishop David Oyedepo


There are no private revelations in scriptures and there are no private testimonies in the Kingdom'. - Bishop David Oyedepo


'The voice of God is an asset to the believer.
You have direct access to the voice of God; it is your birthright. - John 10:27'. - Bishop David Oyedepo


Supernatural faith is injected by the voice of God which makes us more than conquerors. - Deut. 28:1'. - Bishop David Oyedepo


'The voice of God is still very real today in the lives of His people.
When you have no access to the voice of God, you become a victim of the voice of the stranger'. - Bishop David Oyedepo


'The harder you follow God, the higher you fly.
The Word of God destroys all doubts and staggering.
How to Access the Voice of God

1. Be born again

2. Be spiritual - Rom. 8:6, 1 Thes. 4:11'. - Bishop David Oyedepo


'The moment you stop responding to what God commanded last, you cannot have access to His next instruction.
Keep seeking God's interest as a priority for living'. - Bishop David Oyedepo


'There is no irreversible case with God and nothing is too late for Him'. - Bishop David Oyedepo


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