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Dec 9, 2021, 8 tweets

Time to recap the top #OnlyOnTwitter moments and conversations from 2021. We're sorry or you're welcome.…

There was a lot to like this year on Twitter - literally. These were the most Liked Tweets of 2021 from around the world.

ARMY propelled @BTS_twt into several of the top spots for Most Retweeted Tweets this year - and also came together to send a powerful message to #StopAsianHate.

Movies came back in full force, much like the superheroes that dominated the most discussed films of 2021.

A little competition never hurt -- at least when it comes to getting people to Tweet about TV. The most Tweeted shows of 2021 include reality TV competition favorites Big Brother Brasil and A Fazenda 13, in addition to K-drama Squid Game.

Speaking of competition, the Tokyo Summer Olympics won gold as the most-discussed sports match/event worldwide.

Vibe check? 😂 was finally dethroned as the top emoji worldwide, with 😭 taking its place. We're also keeping an eye on 👀, which is making its debut in the top 10 this year.

Read more about the top Tweets that connected us on Twitter during 2021 in our blog post.…

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