Niall of the Bogside Nine Profile picture
🔥 I want to believe in a freedom that's bold 🔥 But all I remember is the freedom of old 🔥 #ACAB 🔥 All you do is call me, I'll be anything you need. 🔥

Dec 9, 2021, 27 tweets

#SeditionHunters, have you heard about this little channel on Telegram called The Prisoner's Record? It's all J6.

It's an offshoot of The Professor's Record, which is the channel of former New Mexico State professor David Clements.

Clements is well known in the Covid hoax..


and election fraud circles. He's been accused of being a grifter due to a nearly 300K GiveSendGo fundraiser.

Not surprisingly, he is buddies with Lin Wood... and appeared at Mike Lindell's "Nuttin' Symposium."

While he bills himself as a "law professor" (and he is an...


attorney) he is really an assistant professor of finance.

And at the moment, that's all I care about Clements.

The real interest is in the names (either the defendants themselves or family) participating, along with far right supporters... and their attitudes about J6.


Folks, we aren't done with this crowd or attacks on our government.

The overwhelming feeling is that they did nothing wrong (stunning, eh?). And if some *did* do something a little naughty, it was justified by a "stolen election."

Let me give you a peek.


First, the page is run by "EOJ Always" and their posts set the tone.

Antifa did it.
The cops did it.
The feds did it.
The media did it.

Mike Pence!



Before I continue, I want to make something clear.

Though I played a role in identifying J6ers, I don't begrudge them having a support group.

That the support group is an echo chamber, is another matter.

While they were making plans to disrupt Constitutionally mandated...


election proceeding, I was busy researching federal court procedures and trying to win bail for my own protester.

And we did, finally, for one of them. I made the decision that my talents would be better served researching those involved in January 6th. And though I still...


I made the correct choice (given the minimal impact I felt I was having on their case and what I have accomplished with J6), I still feel guilty as hell.

They watched J6, start to finish, on a single TV in a federal detention center.

I spoke about it extensively with my...


my friend. I think (hope) he understands the choice I made.

He got out. Two more are still in federal detention.

Since October.

At times, their cells were over run with raw sewage. They were denied medical treatments. Free access to reading material. Letters returned...


for the slightest of reasons. Court appointed defense attorneys who say, "I don't understand or think you should have been protesting."

We've been talking about this shit for a long time. Conservatives laughed.

Still... I'm sharing this to disrupt the channel.


I'm NOT sharing this to disrupt the channel... or troll people. We aren't going to get it taken off Telegram. We aren't going to get the fundraisers removed from GiveSendGo. I really don't care about J6ers.

I don't see the need to make it harder for their families.


Even the shitty ones.

The purpose of this thread is just more confirmation on what we still face and how far we have to go.

This fight is far from over, even if every J6er was in jail.


It's full of violent and ignorant rhetoric.

Including the "Whoa is me, Antifa is never arrested" take.

Don't worry though, their hearts are in the right place. They even pray for Attorney Generals and Lindell...

They actually have like a nightly prayer call. I can only imagine how those go.


The channel also has become a meeting place, somewhat, of regular J6 attendees... in addition to those wanted by LE.


They can't even agree who is on their side...

Jacob Chansley has them all messed up.

He is everything from a martyr to covered with pedophile and Antifa tattoos to a national hero to a traitor working with PenSe and Pelosi.

Most of these posts are from JULY.


It's like.... YOU'RE SO FUCKING CLOSE! You almost got it... just think a little harder....


But don't worry...

U can trust Sidney Powell 👍🏼

You see the stellar work she did with that election fraud shit?

I would have bombed my legal classes if I turned in her mess.

Go right ahead, donate to a woman who is being fined and sued a ton of money.

U can trust her.


While Chansley threw them a curve, they were able to rally behind Peter Stager.

Pretty bow they slapped on him, eh?

No mention of the cop flag beating that was the reason #SeditionHunters made #Caveman Twitter famous.

Refresher via @seditiontrack…


Check out the rebranding of Robert Gieswein.

No mention of running around DC with a baseball bat, pretending to be DeNiro in The Untouchables.

Or that he was one of the days overachievers, visible everywhere you looked.

Heartstrings and Antifa.…


I could do this all day, but I'm stopping with this profile.

Reffitt is featured all over the channel. His wife is particularly active.

I don't care what I had done... my mom would have handled me, and kicked your ass for speaking abt me like this.…


I love when my thread spawns another thread.

Plenty of material to go around (and more son bashing).

Fuck these people.

"If you turn me in, you’re a traitor and you know what happens to traitors ... traitors get shot"


And if you think Chansley had them baffled, you should have seen what the Patriot Front march in DC did.

This is why conservatives will always be suspectable to being a bunch of "normies" waiting to be riled up.

They have little to no awareness of groups around them...


Case in point, Patriot Front as been around since shortly after Unite The Right.

Yet many of these J6 supporters have never heard of them. Or realized PF members were in their groups.

Or have the competency to realize they are supporting folks they literally said "do not..


qualify as patriots."

Masks, dress alike, helmets, shields... I can pull out moving trucks photos too.

How many of those Give Send Go accounts they boost belong to Proud Boys?

A shit ton.

It's hilarious.


To wrap things up, I'll leave you with this gem of an exchange regarding Patriot Front....

Geoff, if that were remotely true there would be no need for the fucking Telegram Channel.




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