Christopher Bouzy ( Profile picture
When I was 9, I started coding on a Mattel Aquarius computer. I developed several products in my 20s & 30s, and then in 2018, I launched Bot Sentinel.

Dec 9, 2021, 19 tweets

Get your popcorn before you read this thread.

Yankee Wally operates the Yankee Wally YouTube hate channel, and several other social media hate accounts. Last month, she alleged hackers gained access to her debit card, bank account, PayPal, social media accounts, and devices...

The hackers allegedly stole £38,000 from Yankee Wally, and the bank hasn’t returned the funds to her. So she went to YouTube to tell her story and told everyone not to send her money. My gosh, what a sad story! No one deserves this, but of course, it never happened...

Let’s break this ridiculous story down. Hackers called her phone with the same number as the bank, and then they sent her a link that she clicked on, which gave them access to her debit card. Um, what? Yes, fake links are used to trick victims into entering their private info...

It could either be your debit card info or the login info for your online banking. However, the link will not magically give hackers unfettered access to everything unless she installed some sort of malware/spyware on her phone, and even then, it’s difficult to get everything...

So after she reported the strange debit card activity and canceled her card, the bank contacted her a few days later to let her know the hackers “mirrored” her phone and somehow transferred money out of her account. So the bank noticed the strange activity but didn’t stop it?...

Instead, the bank called her with nonsensical details on how the hackers stole her money after the fact, but they didn’t call her to ask about the strange activity on her account in real-time, especially after she just canceled the debit card? How did they transfer £38,000?...

Why didn’t the bank immediately stop the transfer since they were the ones who notified her about the transfer? I am sure she doesn’t transfer enormous sums of money regularly, and there would’ve been a security alert on her account because of the amount. But ok, let’s continue…

So now she claims she had to write messages in Welsh because the hackers had access to her apps and phone. What?! So, after they hacked her, she was still using the same phone and apps? Didn’t she have an old phone? She couldn’t borrow an old phone from someone?...

More importantly, the hackers were sophisticated enough to gain access to everything, but they weren't sophisticated enough to use a translator?! The hackers were so clueless; she could deceive them by simply typing in Welsh? So her "code" was an easily translated language?...

We are now at the "I am lying worse than a toddler" part of the story. Someone told her not to call the bank because it's level 3 security, and the fraudsters could be bank employees. No bank or law enforcement agency in the UK would tell a customer this ramblefuckery...

After sharing her long insane story, she tells everyone not to send her money. She claims she must learn the hard way and suffer. If you haven’t already guessed it, she said that so she could claim she didn’t commit fraud if she was caught. She never explicitly asked for money...

In her latest video, she brags about all the money, gifts, and food she has received. That revelation surprised no one because the purpose of her post was to implicitly solicit donations from her victims, but then she drops a mega bombshell written for Hollywood...

In the video, she talks about how she has the name of one hacker, and she might go to his house because she is not afraid to go back to prison. Wait... what?! Why didn’t she give this information to law enforcement authorities? Why isn't this person being questioned?...

She never explained how she got this person’s name, but if someone took £38,000 from me, I wouldn’t be on YouTube talking about nonsense. I would be at the local police station giving them the information on the person who robbed me. This asinine story makes no sense...

Yankee Wally is a convicted former madame who spent time in prison. She is a pimp, and she is pimping her subscribers/followers. Her videos have received over 18,000,000 views, and she has earned approximately $54,000 - $77,940. The YouTube channel and story is one big grift.🤑

Live view of Yankee Wally and Taz.

One thing I forgot. Hackers sophisticated enough to pull this off aren't leaving breadcrumbs for someone like Yankee Wally to find them.

These comments.😂

A friend read my thread and told me it sounds like Yankee Wally is describing a safe account scam. If Yankee Wally had kept the story simple, it would've sounded more believable.…

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