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Lagos Progress and Development under the Administration of Governor @jidesanwoolu | Anti-PDP | Pro Tinubu | Pro APC |

Dec 10, 2021, 6 tweets

The Ojodu incident… How it happened… 1/

Eye Witness, Mrs Adejoke narrates


Driver after driving recklessly and hit the kids, he did not wait, he sped off and he was given a hot chase … according to Mrs Adejoke … 2/


Even after hitting the kids, driver refused to stop, policemen gave him a hot chase on bike so that he won’t escape …. 3/

The children were not crossing, as rumoured by some people .. about 15 of them were walking together according to her … there were also rumours that the driver was arrested, driver walked into the station to hide… different stories … 4/

She says no parents deserves to experience this, or see this kind of thing happen …. She says suddenly the rumours started, people started blaming FRSC, LASTMA, VIO and co.. she says she started going round telling people that it’s Not True… 5/

She says the driver was not remorseful even after police stopped his truck after hitting the children…. he kept shouting with them law enforcement officers … 6/

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