Jo Maugham Profile picture
Director @GoodLawProject. King's Counsel. Live your values. Fight the power. Keep the receipts. Samaritans: call 116 123. He/him.

Dec 10, 2021, 9 tweets

We’re @EachOtherUK. We’re launching our first comic today on young people's mental health for #humanrightsday2021 - via a takeover of @JolyonMaugham's account.

This is Marcus' story.

THREAD (1/9) ⬇️

Please note that this thread and images contains references to drug use, overdoses, depression and may be triggering to some people. (2/9)

Marcus’ issues began when he was excluded from school at 11, spiralling as he lost the structure school provided.

He found himself in complimentary education and stayed there until he was 15 and drifted into dealing drugs “For a young person doing nothing – the only thing TO do was to make money you know”. (4/9)

He was dealing more and more drugs, until he had a heroin overdose and ended up in hospital. Even though he didn’t realise it at the time, this was when he was given a life line, when he was first introduced to Jim (5/9)

Jim didn’t give up on Marcus, he became a constant in his life, and overtime things changed and he reconnected with his family (6/9)

Marcus went back to college and learned how to be a carpenter ‘And now I AM a carpenter!” (8/10)

Marcus has been able to hold on to the kindness of others and carve out a space for himself. (9/10)

You’re getting to see some examples of our first comic but there’ll be new strips released daily on the @EachOtherUK website and through our social media –

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